Monday, September 08, 2008

Antara pendatang dan penumpang

Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.

Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.

Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan "menumpang" iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.

Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.

Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.

Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.

Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.

Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.

Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.

Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.

Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).

Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.

Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.

Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai "bangsa Melayu" oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah "Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan" iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.

Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai "Melayu".

Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.

Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.

Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.

Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.

Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.

Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

Setuju 101%...fakta ini perlu diperluaskan dan tidak disembunyikan daripada pengetahuan umum....Ahmad Ismail is a nobody....lulusan tingakatan 5...mungkin berada di kedudukan sekarang sbb terlibat dengan politik di Pulau Pinang selepas itu meneruskan projek2 kedua orang abangnya, Rahim dan Rashid Ismail.

Anonymous said...

If you look at Australia, the whole chunk of land in the downunder belonged to the Aboringines. Just over 200 years ago, the so-called caucasians who were then the convicts from the British were sent there. With their ealier settlements, they have grown. They now are known as Australians the majority race. 20-30 years or so...Many Vietnamese and other nationalities have migrated there and also became Australians...But do you think these Vietnamese are accepted fully by the Australian caucasians??? I don't think so...these Vietnamese even though possesses equal rights as citizen of Australia...there are still considered as immegrants.

My connotation is that the Chinese and Indians here must accept that the majority of them were brought here by the British during the colonial era. Period! It is written in history.

This is not about racism nor am i a racist. It is about history and about your ridiculous writings.

oney_chan9 said...

Assalamualaikum Tuan Syed,

Selamat berpuasa.Saya setuju dengan kata-kata tuan yang mengatakan kita semua, makhluk Allah, adalah pendatang.Bumi ini hanya sementara, yang kekal akhirat yang abadi.Tak kira kaum, bangsa,agama, semua pasti akan mati.

Cokodok said...


Tahniah Tuan Syed. Artikel yg amat berasas.

Jika di US orang putih sudah boleh menerima bangsa yang dulunya hamba mereka sebagai calon presiden mereka.. Mengapa kita masih lagi terhegeh-hegeh di belenggu garis perkauman.... Sampai bila??

Saya mmg dari zaman sekolah agak kurang selesa dgn corak pemerintahan di Malaysia yg membezakan antara kaum... Cth paling mudah, apa jua borang yg perlu diisi pasti ada ruangan 'Bangsa'.. Amat menyedihkan...

Festive Hampers said...

Tuan Syed

Assalamualaikum, saya rasa petikan kali ini ada benarnya tetapi kurang mendalam kupasannya.

Jika kita tinjau lebih mendalam kepulauan Melayu ( Malay archipelago)tidak pernah ada batasan. Ia adalah kelompok pulau yang banyak dan ada sub ethnic tersendiri (dari Filipina ke Segenting Kra). Tidak ubah seperti negeri China dimana orang bertutur berbagai lorat daerah. Apabila Belanda dan Inggeris menjajah kepulauan Melayu, pada masa itulah terbahagi pulau-pulau tersebut. Maka terbentuklah Batavia dan sebagainya.

Saya masih ingat arwah moyang saya (umurnya panjang)berkata "dulu dulu takdak aik indonesia ke apa, kita tinggal di pulau yang berlainan, layar kapal jumpa sanak saudara, tak da imegresen. Bila British buat imegresen terputus hubungan semua"

Saya rasa kita tidak perlu mengungkit asal usul kita tetapi fokus bagaimana untuk menstabilkan keadaan. Dari semua bacaan dalam blog blog yang saya lawati, tiada seorang memberi jalan penyelesaian. Yang ada cuma mengkukuhkan pendapat masing masing.

Maaf saya pohon jika coretan saya menyinggung perasaan.

Sutera Timur said...

Adakah benar 90% penduduk Tanah Melayu ini adalah pendatg spt yg saudara dakwa.Mungkin benar pd diri saudara .tetapi sebenarnya tidak pd kami orang melayu tempatan.Saudara mungkin silap mengatakan bahawa kita semua pendatg.Dunia Melayu adalah Tanah Melayu,Brunai,Sabah,Serawak,Indonesia dan kepulauannya termasuk singapura.Kita jangan sesekali melupai asal-usul ini.Oleh itu setiap pergerakan mereka dlm lingkungan ini adalah atas sifat kemelayuan dan masih dalam budaya melayu untuk mencari rezeki atau bertemu saudara mara dan lingkungan ini pada masa dahulu tiada sekatan dan halangan kerana itu memang dunia orang melayu seperti juga aTanah Besar China, Taiwan dan Macau itu juga adalah lingkungan kaum atau bangsa mereka. Jadi janganlah hendak menafikan bahawa tanah melyu ini hak kami org melayu kerana ini saja yg kami ada sebagai tanah air.Tolong jangan pesongkan kebenaran ini hanya kerana saudara tidak mengaku org tempatan.Mungkin benar pd saudar a tetapi tidak bagi kami dan anak cucu kami.Mengapa mesti menganggap semua penduduk kepulauan Melayu adalah pendatg sedgkan pribuminya masih ada dan kami masih ada Raja.Dah lupa ke?Janganlah kerana kita dah kaya melayu yg susah hendak dilupakan begitu saja. Dimanakah pembelaan untuk mereka.Masalah kahwin campur itu adalah hal lain.Tapi pada asasnya memang Tanah Melayu adalah negara asal org Melayu,tolong jangan nafikan sptmana DSAI cuba lakukan sekarg,apa lagi yg kami ada selain bumi bertuah ini.Nampaknya kebaikan hati dan toleransi org melayu cuba diambil kesempatan oleh org lain untuk menafikannya.

Anonymous said...

assalamu alaikum,
tuan, saya bersetuju dengan pandangan tuan berhubung dengan realiti warga Malaysia pada hari ini. Lebih-lebih lagi kita adalah hamba Allah dan bumi ini tidak lain untuk hambanya bernama manusia tidak kira di mana untuk memakmurkannya. saya amat tertarik apabila dikaitkan bumi tercinta ini hanya bermula dengan kerajaan Melaka dan penghuni asalnya ialah senoi, jakun, orang laut dan sebagainya.
saya berpendapat fakta sejarah yang diberi oleh kebanyakan dalam web mahupun politik negara kita menafikan tentang sejarah sebenar negara ini walau pun ia sudah tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah. contohnya pemimpin yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan di peringkat awal menentang penjajahan tidak pernah diberi tempat yang sewajarnya dalam sejarah negara sebaliknya diputarbelitkan kononnya UMNO dan perikatanlah yang mendapatkan kemerdekaan Malaysia.sedar atau tidak orang Melayulah atau rumpun melayulah (INdonesia dan Tanah Melayu) berjuang sejak kejatuhan melaka silih berganti setiap abad menentang penjajahan (sila refer sejarah sejak jatuh Melaka sampai 1945 apabila soekarno tidak menepati janji dgn orang melayu di tanah melayu untuk proklamir kemerdekaan termasuk tanah melayu). beliau ada dua pilihan pada masa itu sama ada menepati janji dengan pejuang di tanah Melayu iaitu memproklamirkan sriwijaya (merangkumi Malaya dan Indonesia) atau hanya Majapahit(merangkumi Indonesia dan nusatenggara). Barangkali atas pertimbangan mungkin terpaksa berdepan dengan dua kuasa penjajah maka soekarno memilih majapahit tidak sriwijaya. apa yang saya nak bangkitkan di sini ialah negara kita ini bukan bermula dengan pendatang (istilah tuan) yang mengasaskan Melaka dari sumatra. tetapi negara ini sudah jauh terkenal sejak kurun pertama lagi dengan wujudnya empayar besar Sriwijaya. Hanya pada masa itu orang-orang Melayu sriwijaya berfahaman Hindu dan kemudian Buddha. barangkali kerana berfahama hindu dan Buddha inilah orang-orang melayu di semananjung tidak mengakui hakikat sebenar sebaliknya memutar sejarah dengan mengatakan bermula dengan kerajaan Melaka (sebabnya Melaka adalah negara melayu Islam yang pertama mewujudkan empayar????) padahal orang -orang melayu sudah punya kerajaan besar sejak kurun pertama lagi dan dicemburui oleh kuasa China dan India pada masa itu. Dalam kurun ke 13 China di bawah dinasti Chin pernah menyerang Sriwijaya di Palembang( sampai hari ini keturunan mereka masih ada di beberapa buah kampung di Palembang). Seorang Cina Buddha (I Tsing) dari negeri China pernah singgah pada zaman empayar Melayu Sriwijaya sebelum ke negeri India untuk mendalami ilmu agama Buddha. Kerajaan India juga pernah beberapa kali menyerang kerajaan Melayu Sriwijaya semasa zaman raja-raja chola selatan India. Kesimpulannya, ini adalah hakikat bahwa sejarah negara ini pernah bermula dengan satu ras yang dominan iaitu melayu. apa yang wujud pada hari ini adalah hakikat sejarah yang kita terima. tapi dengan membuat kesimpulan secara umum bahawa semua di sini di bumi ini adalah pendatang saya tidak bersetuju kerana sejarah negara ini telah diputarbelitkan oleh mereka yang berkepentingan dalam politik.

Raison D'etre said...


kenapa macam ada yang tak dapat menerima cool reasonings seperti posting ini?

Mungkinkah semua ini datang dari keresahan ahli umno tersebut yang periuk nasinya mungkin dah kuramg sedap dari segi lauk pauknya akibat pertukaran kerajaan negeri, dan akibatnya membuak menjadi luahan perasaan?

Selamat berpuasa. Wasalam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this very refreshing and rational article in time when things are heating up. Coming from mixed parental (Malay Chinese),it is very heart breaking to read and hear the news everyday since this outbreak, as it menikam hati kedua-dua belah pihak keluarga.
I can see that you are a peace loving man and I wish more people can be as rational as you.

Raja Hanim

Anonymous said...

Jika semua rakyat Malaysia dapat berfikiran demikian, Malaysia akan maju. Lebih daripada Singapura. Bayangkan Singapura tanpa rakyat Malaysia di sana untuk membangunkannya. Malangnya, rakyat dikaburi ahli politik yang mementingkan diri, bukan negara. Negara Malaysia = Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dll. Kita mempunyai leader yang tidak berupaya. Tukar tetap tukar!
Bukan untuk diri sendiri, tetapi untuk generasi Malaysia yang akan datang! Hidup Malaysia!

Anonymous said...

Melayu,Cina ,India dan lain-lain bangsa di Malaysia sepatutnya menghormati antara kita rakyat malaysia.isu-isu sensitif antara berbilang bangsa jangan diungkit.Apabila kaum India dan kaum Cina bersatu mengkritik kaum Melayu,inilah yang jadi apabila kaum melayu pula mempersoalkan tentang kaum Cina dan mungkin juga kaum India apabila sudah tidak terkawal.Kita perlu jadi rakyat Malaysia yang tulin.Bumi Malaysia adalah untuk didiamai dan mencari makan ,jangan tiupkan api perkauman untuk memperjuangkan inspirasi kaum

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right, all of us is figthing over a better future only for the next generation, why are we stabbing each other's back when there is more to worry about? For those who are in the younger generation, all they ask for is a better future, a better goverment, a better life, and ofcause a peaceful life, as for all of us, we should set up a better example for the next generation before its too late, there is nothing called racist in my dictionary, when all of us is being announced as Malaysians, we are same as everyone here, as for the next generation, there is alot of them have been miseducated by the current educational system, the first thing that we need to adment is the education system that was set by teh current goverment, we should not let a few of this scumbag to ruin this country's future, its for them to play the game but is for us the voters and the citizen of this country to determine who to win to make sure its the best for us, but certain arguments and disagreements is really a fact of reality, there isnt a perfect system, thats why toleration and deep understanding is needed among all races to prevent May 13 to happend again....

To Fight For a Better Future....

Nick Chan Abdullah said...

Betul. Kita semua hanyalah menumpang. Tanah ini adalah milik Allah.

Mungkin orang melayu datang terlebih dahulu. Mungkin Cina datang kemudian.

Tetapi dalam agama, 'Masa' hanyalah ilusi.

Setiap warganegara harus diberi hak sebagi warganegara, seperti di zaman pemerintahan Rasulllah s.a.w

Islam tidak melihat warna kulit. Ada Raja Melayu,tidak salah kalau ada Raja Cina di Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

artikel yang sgt bernas dan menarik.. apa yg penting du malaysia.. AGAMA yg menyatukan bangsa itu sendiri..

Anonymous said...

Fakta sejarah mengakui bahawa kaum Cina dan India adalah pendatang di Malaysia dari segi perspektif bahawa telah ada kaum yang menunggu iaitu pri-bumi.Maksudnya sudah ada sistem pentadbiran dan pemerintahan yang menunggu kaum mendatang. Sistem sosio-budaya itu berteraskan sistem kebudayaan dan pemerintahan Melayu (dimana yang Jawa, Minangkabau, Arab,...mudah diresap dalam sistem ini sebagai satu keluarga yang menunggu.).

Yang nak dijelaskan sekarang ini ialah supaya kaum Cina dan India lepas Merdeka janganlah bersikap dan menganut lagi sikap dan fahaman pendatang itu. Jangan nak dihakis sistem yang menunggu atau tuan semasa tibanya pendatang dulu. Hormatilah kaum yang menunggu awak datang dulu, maknya tuan rumah!! Kalau nak jadi tuan rumah mestilah sanggup jadi anggota keluarga.Mesti fasih bahasanya, kebudayaannya, tatasusilanya, akur kepada ketuanya,tidak mengganggu anak-bini dan hartanya. Kalau nak jadi anggota keluarga jangan biadap nak lawan tuan pula!!
Pendatang tetap kekal sebagai pendatang kerana enggan menjadi anggota keluarga kaum yang menunggu, yakni tuan rumah!!!

Luth said...

Salam saudara,

Saya bersetuju dengan artikel yang ditulis oleh saudara ini. Saya kagum. Persoalan tentang penghijrahan melayu2 dari tanah2 seberang telah terjawab dengan teliti.

Cuma ada sedikit yg masih mengganggu fikiran saya iaitu - Tiadakah track-record bangsa melayu yg berasal dari tanah melayu ini?

Diharap saudara dapat perjelaskan kepada saya yang ingin tahu tentang segala-galanya.

Terima kasih

Anonymous said...

salam dan selamat berpuasa!

menarik artikel di atas dan komen-komen di dalam artikel ini juga menarik.saya tertarik dengan komen dari Wanfaris Wankadir,Festive Hampers dan sutera timur.komen-komen lagi juga tidak kurang hebatnya.

tapi pada pendapat saya lebih baik kita berusaha untuk lebih maju dari mengungkit perkara yang lepas.yang elok dijadikan teladan dan yang buruk dijadikan sempadan.

bukan niat untuk tidak menerima artikel diatas tetapi ada perkara didalamnya yang saya kurang setuju.saya juga mempunyai pandangan yang tersendiri.

Bahasa Malaysia @ Bahasa Melayu tidak dirosakkan oleh UMNO.Ia masih tetap sama.cuma ditukar dari Melayu ke Malaysia.lagipun semua bangsa boleh mengamalkan bahasa kebangsaan kita dengan penuh bangga.

soal perkaumam dibangkitkan bila ada rasa tak puas hati.rasa tak puas hati sebenarnya yang mewujudkan rasisme itu.sikap tidak mahu menerima apa yang ada.

setiap kaum ada hak masing-masing di Malaysia.kita perlu ingat bahawa Malaysia adalah negara yang berbilang kaum.kalau dihapuskan hak untuk setiap kaum,dikuathiri akan ada kaum lain yang cuba menindas kaum lain dan itu tidak mustahil.

setiap kaum ada masalah mereka yang tersendiri dari pelbagai aspek (kerja,taraf hidup,peluang berniaga,pelajaran dll).

Anonymous said...

To Wanfaris,

Speaking as one Malaysian who happens to be Chinese, there is no denial by ethnic Chinese that most of our great grandfathers came from China, escaping famine and wars in the late 19th Century,mostly, therefore signing on as indentured serfs. [Aside: My own paternal great grandfather was borne in Kedah in the late 1800s] For someone like me to hear this issue being raised ...which is usually followed with the words ambik tongkang balik tongsan, is extremely hurtful.

So my point is the reaction from the Chinese groups right now is contextual.Its nothing to do with accepting historical fact of immigration into the Tanah Melayu of yore. Your focus on the historicities is extremely shallow and speaks of insincere engagement with your fellow Malaysians.

I have no blogger id but my name is runa.

Anonymous said...

salam pak imran...isu ni sensitip tau. last-last semua yg dok bincang akan kata yg asal di sini org asli. balik-balik orang melayu kena. yg memang kaum pendatang termasuk pak imran rasa seronok la. minta maaf dan minta tolong sikit. sebelum semua "pendatang" mai ke tanah melayu ni, takda ka orang melayu yang dok kat sini. fikir-fikir sendirilah. saya bukan rasis tapi saya sedih kerana asyik-asyik orang melayu juga yang kena beralah...ada ka patut last-last depa akan kata orang melayu asal yunan lah, ntah mana cerok lagi. ni tok nenek aku memang asal tanah melayu ni, nak mai dari mana plak.

Salman Madani said...


Orang Indonesia (warga negara Indonesia ) yang datang ke negara ini sejak tahun 1970-an ialah pendatang.

Orang Bugis, Jawa, Banjar, Minangkabau dll yang datang ke negara ini sebelum wujudnya negara Malaysia dan Indonesia "bukan pendatang".

Mereka ialah orang Melayu atau rumpun Melayu dari Alam Melayu atau Nusantara yang berpindah dalam "wilayah budaya yang sama".

Mereka sama seperti orang Cina dari Tanah Besar Cina yang berpindah ke Taiwan, Hongkong atau Macau. Orang Cina ini juga bukan pendatang.

Tapi apabila orang Cina datang ke Alam Melayu, ketika telah ada raja dan kerajaan Melayu, mereka ialah pendatang.

Anonymous said...

Saya fikir kita harus memandang ke hadapan. Nampaknya orang politik kita terlalu banyak menoleh ke belakang. Ini bukan bermaksud sejarah tidak penting. Namun ia haruslah dilihat dalam konteks yang betul.

Anonymous said...

You are looking at historical facts alone but missed out on the legal facts. Based on your argument, Indians in India and Chinese in China are also former immigrants which I don't agree. And Palestinians have no rights in Israel because historically the Jews are there before the Palestinians.

If you care to look at the maps of the world from as early as the 1400s, Malaysia was identified as the Malay States. The later ones from the 1500s and 1600s are available at the Islamic Museum, KL.

It goes without saying then that the Malays are recognised historically and legally as the original inhibitants of Tanah Melayu.

Having said that, our Chinese and Indian brothers are Malaysians in the context of the Constitution of Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Tuan Syed, Syabas, well written.
my father is bugis Muar, my mother, Scandinavian, make me more viking than viking :). Salam.

Nostradamus said...

Buat Dunno Sahaja. Jangan Jadi seorang Rasis atau Setan.

Jika anda telah membaca skrip terkini Anwarwood Produksi, anda akan memahami apa yang
sedang berlaku di Pulau Pinang dan segala berita yang di laporkan di MSN, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today dan web bloger-bloger. Sesetengah mungkin sudah mengalami darah tinggi, strok ataupun sakit jantung sekarang.

Tetapi, nasihat saya kepada semua rakyat Malaysia ialah " Buat Dunno Sahaja!. Teruskan berpuasa, buatkan persiapan untuk Hari Raya dan Mooncake ataupun apa-apa perayaan yang akan menjelma untuk anda.

Kepada mereka-mereka yang tiada perayaan untuk diraikan, maka izinkan saya mencadangkan membuat persiapan untuk meraikan Hari Malaysia pada 16 September iaitu penubuhan negara Malaysia, 45 tahun dahulu, bersama-sama rakan-rakan dan sahabat-sahabat kita di Malaysia Timur.

Jika anda masih nak ghairah dengan berita dan cerita yang terbit daripada Pulau Pinang, maka, izinkan saya mencadangkan berikut untuk renungan anda.

1. Ahmad berkata orang Cina adalah pendatang atau penumpang. - Bagitahu saya siapa yang bukan pendatang ataupun penumpang di dunia ini?

2. Jika anda sensitif kepada perkataan pendatang atu penumpang. - Saya pernah dengar ungkapan lebih teruk dari itu sejak 51 tahun dahulu. Saya sudah biasa tidak sensitif lagi

3. Ahmad telah mengoyakkan gambar Tsu Khoon. - Bukan ada apa-apapun. Lebik baik Ahmad memanggil dia, Ka Ting, Sammy Veloo dan semua wakil-wakil parti BN dan menampar mereka semua kerana tidak memenuhi aspirasi Perlembagaan Malaysia dan memperdagangkan serta tawar-menawar hak manusia untuk kepentingan parti mereka.

4. Ahmad bercakap untuk orang Melayu Malaysia. - Bagaimana tentang DSAI? Mungkin Ahmad cuma mewakili lebih kurang 50 pengikut yang dia ada. Mungkin dia boleh cuba membeli lebih ramai pengikut.

5. Ahmad bercakap untuk semua Muslim? - Bagaimana dengan Tok Guru? Adakah Ahmad seorang ulama?

6. Wartawan dicabar dan lain-lain. - Apa sebab wartawan MSN berada disana? Kenapa selepas interbiu Ahmad, berlari interbiu pemimpin BN yang lain? Adakah berita sabagini bagitu penting untuk dilaporkan. Kenapa tidak interbiu rakyat Malaysia di jalanan dan tanya mereka apa pendapat mereka tentang Ahmad dan lain-lain pemimpin BN.

7. Gunakan ISA, Akta Hasutan dan lain-lain. - Untuk buat yang pertama sekalinya sahaja, saya setuju sepenuhnya, tetapi hanya untuk orang-orang politik BN sahaja. Selepas mereka-mereka di kurungkan, maka haruslah ianya dihapuskan.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Syed Imran,

I applaud for your non-bias article. Malaysian should accept the fact that we are all pendatang in Malaya.

Ahmad Ismail have no idea what he is talking about. And, he asked the Chinese, the pendatang to leave?

Then, how about the younger generation like us? Those who are born from a mix-parentage. My father's ancestor, Muslim, from China and thru intermarriages; They have become Malay Muslim of Malaya. While my mother is 100% Chinese and ancestor also come from China. And, I am born as Malay Muslim of Malaysia.

Where does this put me? Or US?

Do you (Ahmad Ismail) expect me to halau my mother back to China?? She holds a blue MALAYSIAN Identification Card and has never known China. Where does that put her? And, how about ppl like me? A father, a malay and mother a chinese? Where should I go?

Ahmad Ismail,

Why do you need to destroy the MULTICULTURALISM (which Malaysian have been so proud of) of Malaysia?

Why are firing up racism issue in the heart of people?

We have come a long long way in achieving harmonious ties among people, among races! We have celebrated each another culture and celebration. We are all MALAYSIAN. We shouldn't be differentiate thru races anymore.


Its bulan puasa, shouldnt it be a month of patience and forgiving and stop pointing fingers?

Jabir relates from Anas that God's Messenger, on him be peace,said: 'Five things break a man's fast: lying,backbiting, scandal mongering, perjury and a lustful gaze.'

The definition of Backbiting & Slander

Prophet Muhammad said :"Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "God and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of God said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Muslim)

Syaitan (Satan) wants us to use our tongue to create conflict and hatred. Are we falling into his trap?

During the Holy month,

We should guard our tongue from sins and use our limbs in acts of obedience

Prophet Muhammad said : "Who protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse, I shall guarantee him entrance into Paradise." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Anonymous said...

Inilah dia satu-satunya rencana yang paling waras, rasional dan bijaksana mengenai isu perkauman/pendatang ini.

Kalaulah seluruh rakyat Malaysia berfikir dan faham realiti kita sebagai penduduk negara ini seperti Tuan Syed, dah lama kita maju dan makmur, Tuan Syed!

Bila kita sedar dan faham intipati yang ditulis Tuan Syed, barulah kita akan berganding bahu dengan tiap-tiap warga negara ini tidak kira warna kulit dan melayan satu sama lain dengan adil dan dengan hormat sekali demi membangunkan tanahair kurniaan Tuhan ini dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Terima kasih Tuan Syed kerana menulis dan berkongsi fikiran.

Moga-moga para pembaca lain meneliti dan berfikir sejenak semangat disebalik tulisan ini.

artic turban said...

Thank you sir for calling a spade, a spade, this calling of names has gone far enough and has to stop, YOU ARTICLE GIVE ME HOPE for my country MALAYSIA, and with you permission would like to post it around.Here is a comment i wrote to try to bring reason to the minds of everyone.
On a very salient point but off topic I have read all kinds of comments about whats happening with the AHMAD CONTROVERSY.
I would like the readers to calm down and think. I do have a small point to raise to my fellow Malaysians.

I ask everyone to read the article and the comments from the top to the bottom, now I ask you this question, are you Malaysian? or are you MALAY, CHINESE, INDIAN, SIKH, DAYAK, BIDAYU, DUSUN, NEGRITO dan lain lain.

Look at ourselves, how we are insulting each other, bertaubat lah semua, calm down, don't let the pariah corrupt politicians, immaterial of which ever race make your blood boil. what for? Kalau besok berlaku kacau bilau, baguskah? All the foreign investor lari keluar, factory tutup, mata wang kita memang akan jatuh, business slow down atau kena tutup, kita kena buang kerja, nanti macam mana nak beli makan utk keluarga.

WHAT IS HAPPENNING HERE IS ALL SENDWARA AND BORIA, I come from the generation that went through may 13, I have seen families of all races devasted, malay, chinese indians, eurasians, sikhs dll, Don’t forget there is no insurance coverage for WAR OR RIOTS.
You think besok kalau jadi another may 13, your house kena bakar your anak kena bunuh, bini and daughter kena rape, ada insurance kah. will money bring back your agony, where will the culprits like this AHMAD GUY BE WHEN kacau bilau berlaku, guarantee you he will be overseas, this is the way of the crooks, liars, cheaters, conman, corrupters. OR THEY WILL BE HIDING BEHIND STONE WALLS with a lot of body-guards. WHILE THE KUNCHU2 MAT REMPIT AND GANGSTERS GO AND CREATE PROBLEMS and mayhem.

I used to support the Malaysian team during the time of TITANS, HEROS, OUR GIANTS, yes folks when we actually had a football team worth supporting , with legends like MOKHTAR DAHARI, SOH CHIN ANN, SANTOKH SINGH, ARUMUGAM- SPIDERMAN, I THINK OF THOSE DAYS with nostalgia, we laughed, screamed, cried our hearts out, and when we carried the MERDEKA CUP AFTER , beating , Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and heard the NEGARAKU, WE ALL SANG IN PRIDE, KITA SEMUA TEPUK DADAH KITA sebagai ORANG MALAYSIA.
The question I ask all of you and especially the Pariah Corrupt (who can't seem to get arrested or charged for corruption)BN POLITICIANS, who did you cheer for during all those football games, the chinese player-kah, indian player-kah, singh player kah, or the malay player and of course all the kaum lain lain,? IF THOSE PLAYERS HAD KEPALA LIKE WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN HERE THIS DAY, WE SURELY WOULD NEVER HAD BEEN A GOOD FOOTBALLING NATION IN THE 70s and early 80s,.
I plus a lot of people used to support the Bn, for A VERY VERY LONG TIME, but until I opened my eyes and started to see the corruption, under table money, exploitation of religion for political purposes, and nothing seems to happen to these politicians. I don’t see any changes in bn, it is a corrupt regime which will try to stay in Power by hook, crook or even bersumpah atas KORAN. Macam ni pun boleh berlakukah? WHO or WHAT is more insulting, exploitation of religion for political gain? MENGAPA, Don’t we have the courts CIVIL AND SHARIAH?
IN EVERY RELIGION WE ARE ALL TAUGHT THAT THIEVES In every religion We are all taught that stealing is wrong, and society demands thieves ,the corrupt and crooks SHOULD BE PUNISHED and shunned, but in Malaysia it has become a badge of pride, HOW MUCH UNDERTABLE MONEY GUA DAPAT, ALWAYS GUA, GUA, SAYA,SAYA,SAYA.
WHOSE FAULT IS all this, is it the politicians? judges? police? AG? AGUNG? SULTANS? SIAPA?
I say we are all at fault, for allowing this to happen, for not TELLING THE CORRUPT, RASCIST, PARIAH POLITICIANS, that Malaysians yang berbagai kaum, agama dan ajaran DON'T WANT THE CORRUPT TO RULE US, what we are hearing today is BORIA AL SENDIWARA PROPOGANDA by a bunch of looser
SO take a minute and think, IF KACAU BILAU BERLAKU, MAY 13-lah, potong sini, cincang sana, SIAPA MENANG?????,
Or will THE WINNERS BE THE HANTU-SYAITAN, crooks who are bankrupt of ideas, they only know one thing, how to be crooks. Nothing else. SO YOU DECIDE, kalau nak maki-paki ataupun pakai otak, shout intolerable rubbish at each other or to calm down and ask yourself this question,

Anonymous said...

May you be blessed with Peace & Grace for your kind words.

And to
Wanfaris, I think Chinese & Indians accept that their ancestors came as immigrants. It's just this glaring inconsistency that Indonesians and Filipinos who came also as immigrants after our ancestors(that is also a historical fact,period)have been given not only citizenship but even 'bumiputeraship'ahead of people who have been born and lived here much longer.

OTAI (Otak Tenang Akal Inovatif) said...

yalah tu... tapi dalam perlembagaan kata salah seorang ibu atau bapa kita mesti penduduk asli di sini. baru kita melayu yang dikira penduduk asli!adakah cina dan india begitu? bezanya mereka secara undang2 dan melayu secara automatik atau original gitu.setahu saya mereka dapat warganegara cara pendaftaran dan jus soli.lagipun janganlah nak tunjulkan sangat ciri2 asing tu... inikan bumi melayu.hormatlah sikit... carilah identiti tempatan... lokal. bahaslah kalau saya salah! awakpun janganlah cakap 90% kita ni pendatang....tak betul tu... bila buat survey?

Anonymous said...

Setuju dengan Pak Syed, Wan Suhaimy dan Harith Iskandar!

Tak kira Melayu, Cina atau India, kita semua lahir di bumi yang sama ini.

Bumi yang sama ini menghembuskan nafas dan bagi kita makan.

Maka kita semua anak-anak tanahair Malaysia!

Kenapa mahu diungkit-ungkit asal-usul???

Mari kita bersama-sama majukan Malaysia!

Jangan pandang rendah atau serong mengikut bangsa atau kaum! Sama-sama kita hormati apa yang baik pada orang Melayu, Cina dan India.

Di akhirnya, kita semua manusia, dan ada hati dan rasa sayang, serta akal fikiran yang baik dan mahukan keadilan, benaran dan kebaikan.

Mari kita pupuk yang ini. Usah main ungkit-ungkit lagi dari mana datangnya kita.

Mari kita lupakan pertelingkahan atau salahfaham yang lepas!

Kalau kita nak orang Cina hormat kita, kita tak boleh layan mereka seperti rakyat kelas kedua atau layan mereka dengan rasa syak wasangka. Sebab itulah bangsa lain boleh berselisih dengan kita.

Jangan! Mari kita kikis perasaan cam ni!

Mari kita berbalik cam zaman P. Ramlee dulu... Melayu, Cina dan India sama-sama duk dengar musik di kelab dan menari tarian joget atau cha-cha.

Kenapa sikap persaudaraan ini sudah hilang di Malaysia semenjak mulanya 1980an?????

bluskyes said...

BRILLIANT commentary...thank you for your factual if we could get more Malaysians to be as honest and truthful...!!

-thethinker- said...

sepatutnya , rakyat Malaysia semua dikenali sbg Melayu kerana ini ialah sblm ini kita dikenali sbg Malaya ( Tanah Melayu ). Jadi takkan timbul isu perkauman . Kita semua dikenali berdasarkan suku-kaum , yakni , Melayu Baba ( baba-nyonya ) , Melayu Arab , Melayu Banjar ,Melayu Jawa, Melayu Bugis, Melayu Mamak , Melayu Tamil , Melayu Hokkien , Melayu Kwangtung, Melayu Hokchiew , bagi sabah /swak pulak , biar mereka kekal ngan identiti masing masing kerana mereka berasal dari borneo.
Kita terima Islam sbg agama rasmi ,dan wajib fasih berbahasa melayu , tapi lantak pii laa kalu nak berbahasa cina / tamil / jawa / banjar dlm rumah ... sekolah pulak , pengajaran wajib dlm bhs melayu utk Menengah dan keatas , sek rendah , biarlah dlm bahasa yg mudah difahami oleh kanak kanak , tapi HARUS mengwajibkan pengajaran bhs melayu sbg bhs Rasmi.

Baju kebangsaan : Baju melayu ngan songkok utk acara rasmi . Bukan batik !!

Anonymous said...

Pada fikiran saya, ramai orang tak setuju kalau dikatakan orang Aceh, Minang, Jawa dan lain-lain suku kaum dari Nusantara terutama yang berhampiran dengan Semenanjung Malaysia tergolong dalam kategori pendatang. Ini kerana ramai yang mengambil pendirian bahawa mereka ini dikira sebagai adik-beradik yang hidup dalam sebuah rumah, yakni Nusantara, dan cuma berpindah bilik. Namun, mereka tetap dalam rumah keluarga yang sama. Kaum lain seperti Arab, Cina, India dan lain-lain yang datang dari luar Nusantara pula dikira berpindah rumah dari rumah keluarga lain. Jadi mereka ini bukan keluarga dari sudut pandangan mereka yang suka melabel orang itu dan ini sebagai pendatang, penumpang dan sebagainya.

Jadi, kalau mengikut logik mereka, Datuk Ahmad Ismail memanglah penumpang dan pendatang kerana datuk neneknya berasal dari India. Begitu juga Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi dan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein. Namun, Dato' Sri Najib Razak, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid dan Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim malahan Dato' Seri Dr Khir Toyo yang ibu bapanya tidak dilahirkan di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu mungkin tidak dianggap sebagai pendatang.

Tetapi apa faedahnya kita bertegang leher berkenaan hal ini kerana tidak membawa faedah. Yang penting, siapa yang tergolong sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang dapat memberi sumbangan positif kepada tanahair. Kalau nenek moyang kita sedia lahir di bumi ini sejak beribu generasi yang lalu tapi kita penagih dadah atau perompak, apa gunanya?

Saya sendiri dikira pendatang yang wajib 'balik tongsan' mengikut pandangan golongan yang suka melabel. Tapi nenek moyang saya lahir di Semenanjung Malaysia sejak beratus tahun yang lepas. Bahasa Melayu, bukan bahasa Cina, adalah bahasa ibunda saya, termasuklah warisan tulisan jawi. Mungkin kerana saya bukan beragama Islam maka saya tetap dilabel pendatang. Memang saya tidak menafikan pun bahawa pada zaman kesultanan Melayu Melaka dahulu, nenek moyang saya telah datang dari China dan menumpang di sini. Namun, yang penting, saya rakyat Malaysia yang menyumbangkan sesuatu yang berguna kepada tanahair saya.

Iannn said...

Basically i agreed with what u wrote...

Anonymous said...

Saya hormati pandangan tuan syed dan yang lain. Menoleh ke belakang bertujuan menjadikan sejarah sebagai pedoman. Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat it. Inilah kata-kata kunci bagi kita maju ke depan. Apabila kita melangkah ke depan, tidak salah kita menoleh ke belakang agar kita saling ingat-mengingatkan. Berbeza dengan tuan syed, moyang kepada bapa saya berasal dari tanah melayu. Bermakna pada lewat 1800an yang saya tahu keluarga kami memang dah bertapak di sini. Asal-usul sebelum itu saya tidak tahu. Bahkan seorang moyang saya membuka penempatan baru yang kini bergelar kawasan parlimen. Keluarga saya mengharungi keperitan hidup ketika zaman jepun, disusuli kepayahan apabila Bintang 3 bermaharajalela dan mengganas. Ramai saudara-mara saya terbunuh ketika itu. Agaknya keluarga tuan syed tidak ada yang terjejas ketika itu, alhamdulillah. Ulasan tuan syed cukup ideal dalam dunia yang ideal. Tapi kita bercakap dalam konteks masa kini yang sejarahnya berasal dari zaman pemerintahan British. Kita harus ingat bagaimana Tan Cheng Lock, H.S Lee mahukan hak-hak yang sama buat kaum Cina seawal 50-an lagi. H.S Lee juga adalah seorang kolonel dalam Kuomintang. Datuk Onn Jaafar (biarpun ibunya Ruqayah Hanim dikatakan bukan dari Turki tapi Armenia) mempertahankan hak Melayu dan Raja Melayu, berbeza Tunku Abdul Rahman yang memang dipilih oleh British bagi membunuh pengaruh besar Onn. British sedar Tunku Abdul Rahman seorang yang tidak particular, suka enjoy dan mudah dibawa berunding. Cheng Lock dan Lee tahu dengan ini mudah kaum Cina membawa dasar mereka. Kenyataan Ong Ka Chuan mengatakan 300,000 Cina mati mempertahankan tanah melayu adalah satu manipulasi fakta. Cina ketika itu dibenci oleh Jepun itu saja. Kenapa dalam laporan mageran mengatakan betapa ramai Cina yang pulang ke China dan enggan menyertai khidmat negara pada 1950? Kenapa ketika itu MCA terpaksa menabur gula-gula dalam bentuk wang agar etnik cina menyertai pasukan seragam? Yang menjadi persoalan ialah perjuangan orang macam Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal Singh yang ekstremis dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Ekonomi yang dipegang oleh Cina, kuasa politik Cina dan apalagi Cina. Berapa kerat bangunan di Kampung Baru milik Bumiputra? Tuan syed sudah tentu pergi ke banyak negara...adakah Jerman dan perancis membenarkan pendatang dari Turki, Algeria menubuhkan sekolah Arab, Turki tanpa usaha asimilisasi, membiarkan bahasa Turki berkembang di jerman? Adakah ekonomi mereka dipegang oleh imigran? Soalnya apa akan jadi kepada kaum pribumi, orang melayu miskin dan orang melayu berpendapatan sederhana apabila kuasa politik dipegang oleh China di sebuah negara Islam? Tolong bayangkan senario sebegini buat saya. Terima kasih

Anonymous said...

Saya baru lepas mengajar bebudak tingkatan 1 bab Cabaran-cabaran Masa Depan : Kesinambungan Kesejahteraan Rakyat...ada 5 aspek yang ditekankan - Kesedaran Sivik, Perasaan Empati, Perpaduan Kaum, Jati Diri dan Lestari Alam Sekitar. Saya sudah mengingatkan bebudak tentang pentingnya perpaduan agar tragedi 13 Mei tidak brulang. Sungguh medukacitakan sekali isu kecil(kata orang kocak air dalam cawan) boleh sampai keluar ugutan-ugutan mengulangi akan mencetuskan semula peristiwa hitam yang tidak kita (orang malaysia) ingini. Kalau surat khabar tak hebohkan perkara ini, selesaikan secara muafakat dan tolak ansur, isu ini takkan jadi begini mengerunkan! Ada yang berkata AI dah lama berdendam dgn TSK (sejak TSK menjadi KM PP). Adakah masalah peribadi boleh membawa kepada suasana tidak aman dan tenteram di jiwa rakyat Malaysia. Generasi muda sekarang tidak mungkin akan ikut terjebak dengan provokasi-provokasi yang dibuat oleh pihak yang tidak brpuas hati. Kalau nak guna ISA dlm menangani isu ini, tangkap semua yang mengeluarkan kata-kata hasutan tak kira melayu ke, cina ke (UMNO ka,Gerakan ka) Sumbatkan je mereka kat Kamuting. Pati rakyat yang cintakan kemanan akan mengucap syukur.

Anonymous said...

Isu nya disini ialah bilamana bangsa cina di malaysia menekan dan cuba menghakis/menidakkan status dan keistimewaan bangsa Melayu yang telah termaktub dalam perlembaggan negara .

Maka itu, lahirlah reaksi-reaksi balas hasil dari provokasi tersebut.
Reaksi2 ini, ada yang rasional dan ada yang emosional.

Mengapa reaksi ini timbul?
Sebab adanya provokasi.

Mengapa provokasi ini timbul setelah 51 tahun merdeka hidup aman bahagia?
Sebab mereka ambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan kepimpinan Dolah Meroyan!!!

Pokoknya.....singkirkan dolah!!!
Kita boleh hidup aman bahagia tanpa Dolah!!

tzarina said...

Saya tak paham logik orang "Melayu" seperti Salman Madani di blog ini.

Dari sudut sejarah (bukan sejarah UMNO), orang Melayu asalnya keturunan Austronesian. Orang Austronesian asalnya dari TAIWAN, pada 10 000 - 60 000 BC. Dari Taiwan, mereka berhijrah ke Filipina, Sulawesi, Borneo, Jawa, Madagascar dan Maluku. Selepas beberapa generasi setelah bercampur dengan puak asal Maluku, mereka berhijrah ke sampai ke Vietnam (Champa) dan Tanah Melayu.

Tanah Melayu ketika itu telah pun diduduki oleh masyarakat pribumi yang lebih awal (eg Negrito). Kalau nak cari bumi yang tidak pernah didiami sebelum orang Austronesian bertapak, kunjungilah Polynesia (1000BC).

Dalam lingkungan 1000AD, orang Austronesian sudahpun mula berdagang dengan orang dari India dan China. Pengaruh agama dan prinsip-prinsip kerajaan India yang dibawa oleh orang Tamil India menyebabkan kerajaan Melayu Hindu yang pertama bertapak di Tanah Melayu.

Jadi dimanakah sempadan yang patut digunakan untuk mengasingkan "bumiputera" dan "pendatang"? 60 000BC? 1000AD? 1957AD? 2008AD?

Sudah tentunya "Melayu" sekarang terdiri dari kacukan dari pelbagai ras manusia - orang Negrito, India, China, Arab, etc etc...

Apakah maksud sejarah orang Melayu keturunan Austronesian yang asalnya dari Taiwan, dan setelah bermilenia berkacuk dengan pelbagai puak manusia lain, dalam konteks 2008 AD?

Atau tiadakah logik "bumiputera" lagi jika dilihat dari sudut sejarah dunia?

Mungkinkah pada zaman 2008AD, kita cuma perlu melukis garis yang bersempadankan miskin vs middle class vs kaya, supaya semua orang diberi kepentingan sama sebagai rakyat Malaysia, tetapi golongan yang tidak berada dibantu lebih sedikit, tak kira kaum pribumi, Austronesian atau "pedatang", asalkan rakyat Malaysia!

hellthy correction said...

raja petra's justic my ass deserve no more microscopic attention than my comments here......he refers to non malays contributions and demands of malays as loopedsided and unfair thereby totally ridicules justice.....thus he could not see further than injustices.....why do we just see the tolerance and givings of non malays as works of GRACE and then encourage its recipients to humbly thank its giver.....perhaps its time to really 'dont Kira too much' antara satu sama lain.

mn said...

Tuan Syed dan Pembaca sekalian,

1. Bila kita keliru dalam sesuatu perkara,maka kita perlu merujuk kepada Rujukan Agong kita iaitu 'AL-QURAN'.

2. Dalam Al-Quran tak ada pun ditulis Melayu, Cina dan India. Hanya muslimin atau Islam sahaja yang ada tertulis.

3. Oleh itu paling penting sekali ialah JIWA kita mesti Islam. Tak kisah jika negara tak Islam pun. Sebab apabila jiwa dah Islam, tentunya akan lahir negara Islam. Tak kisahlah sama ada apa bangsa sekali pun. Begitu juga pendatang atau pun tidak.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir.
You are a true Malaysian.
In view of the world economy difficulties, we should work together to overcome problems. Not fight against each other to create problems.

Anonymous said...

Kalau kita semua pendatang kenapa orang china marah sangat dengan Ahmad Ismail, sepatutnya orang china membalas kenyataan itu semula dengan mengatakan orang Melayu juga pendatang, habis cerita, tutup cerita..

kenapa nak sensitif sangat, kenapa nak kecoh dan kenapa nak minta maaf..

Saranan supaya gerakan keluar dari BN juga sesuai kerana su kun asyik 'mengkaji semula..mengugut ! - kluangman

Anonymous said...

Sdr KR
pendatang dikira dari lingkungan alam kelompok manusia yang mengamalkan adat resam yang hampir-hampir sama budaya, nilai, dll... lingkungan melayu dari taiwan di utara ke polinesia di selatan. dari madagascar di barat hingga hawaii ditimur... itu alam melayu... nusantara... alam china - china, korea, jepun, monggolia, dll. Jadi sola pendatang boleh lah difikir-fikirkan.

Anonymous said...

Kami sokong Dato' Ahmad krn selepas berbagai perkara dan perisitiwa berlaku pasca-PRU12 masih orng Melayu/ Islam dan pemimpim mrk tidoq lena. Sehinggalah sampai masa aksi beliau dlm seminggu ini barulah mula pakat nak bukaq mata.

Tentang pendatang/ penumpang, awas jerat pati-parti dan pressure groups bukan Melayu; yg sebenaqnya secara tidak langsung depa nak kuburkan terus penggunaan bumiputera dan bukan bumiputera dalam kamus polititk M'sia, seterusnya DEB pun tak payah ada...

Duk kat UK dan A'lia depa tak komplen apa pun org sana pakai istilah imigran dsbnya. Yg depa nak akhirnya di sini M'sia jd spt S'pore - serba serbi depa duk pegang. Dulu time Merdeka berapa ramai "IC" kelahiran Tanah Besar Cina, Melayu masa tu landownership brapa banyak. La ni? Ini baik punya M'sia mau kasi semua hepi dlm negara baru nak merdeka. Jd jgnlah lepaih 51 tahun, nak dismantle social kontrak pulak.

Minta laluan analisa ini...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mahathir Kembali ke Parti Asal: Beliau Lebih Consistent Pro Melayu berbanding Dollah

Kemasukan Mahathir ke dalam UMNO kemungkinan besar akan menukar secara mendadak politik orang Melayu yang sekarang sudah terumbang ambing dan bertambah maya di buli oleh parti politik kaum cina dan india. Kalau di bandingkan dengan Dollah, Mahathir lebih consistent pro Melayu berbanding Dollah. Dalam banyak hal Mahathir adalah seorang pemikir yang hebat dan berani mempertahankan kuasa politik orang Melayu walau keseorangan. Terjahan nya tepat dan mengena. Berbanding dengan Dollah , jauh sekali Mahathir di geruni oleh mereka yang ingin mencabar kuasa politik orang Melayu.
Kerelaan Mahathir untuk masuk semula ke dalam UMNO merupakan satu langkah yang pahit bagi Mahathir tetapi mungkin memandangkan keadaan politik orang Melayu yang sudah di buli oleh MCA DAP dan Gerakan maka Mahathir menelan pahit untuk terus berkhidmat mempertahankan kuasa orang melayu melalui yang sudah tidak bermaya.
Kita menyambut baik sebarang sumbangan untuk mempertahankan kuasa politik Melayu Muslim walau di atas platform mana ia di laksanakan. Memandangkan penyatuan ummah tidak berlaku dan mungkin tidak akan berlaku kerana keras hati dan keras pedal Melayu Muslim, sumbangan dalam apa bentuk pun di raikan dalam keadaan kuasa politik orang melayu di asak dari orang Cina , India dan Melayu Liberal Anwar Ibrahim.
Isu 'pendatang Cina ' yang di mainkan oleh dari dalam oleh MCA dan Gerakan dan tekanan dari luar oleh DAP sebenarnya adalah usuha untuk memberi tekanan kepada orang Melayu supaya MENGUGURKAN status Bumiputera yang di jadikan kriteria dalam justifikasi social engineering DEB. Dengan hilang nya status 'pendatang' dan 'Bumiputera " maka TERHAPUSLAH DEB secara logiknya. Itu lah sebabnya Lim Kit Siang di bantu oleh pembantu politik nya Anwar dan yang lainlain peminat dap berteriak nyaring menentang perkataan 'pendatang' dengan secara indirect menentang status 'bumiputera ' demi untuk menghidupkan debat DASAR EKONOMI Malaysia Baru dalam projek Yellow Tsunami tajaan Anwar.
Kita mengharap isu 'pendatang cina' ini hendaklah di selesaikan oleh Intellectual melayu dengan secara ILMIAH kerana terdapat bertan tan bukti ilmiah yang mencerita status sebenar masyarakat cina di Malaysia. Orang Cina di zaman penjajah British dan ada orang Cina semasa Malaysia merdeka status lahir nya ialah di negeri Cina. Mungkin Lim Kit Siang adalah generasi kedua kaum Cina di Malaysia. Banyak orang tua cina sekarang yang umur melebihi 100 tahun di beranakkan di Cina. Pendatang tidak lah perkataan yang buruk kerana kalau kita lihat di Australia , kaum Cina tidak pun protes kalau mereka di gelar pendatang. Bagi orang Cina pendatang di Australia yang penting nya dapat cari makan. Kemarahan mereka di gelar pendatang di Malaysia mempunyai helah politik yang tinggi dan kompleks. Saya rasa matlamat mereka hanyalah untuk menghilangkan ungkapan Bumiputera yang menjadi berlawanan dengan status bukan bumiputera atau pendatang.
Posted by AhmadHadeed at 4:43 AM

Malaysia moden rohnya ialah Melayu/Islam. Kalau cuba diusik tanpa sempadan, boleh jd kacau bilau negara ini.

Tengok kalau2 The Star dan Sin Chiew masih maengapi2kan perkara ini. Elok gantung saje permit tu.

Anonymous said...

Sdr. Syed Imran,

First of all, you beat me to writing about history and the Malay race!

Humans have a tendency to have selective memory lapses. Partly due to ignorance and partly due to sheer will power.

When Malaya gained independence in 1957 and subsequent formation of Malaysia in 1963, definitions of what constitute a Malay, Bumiputra etc were made in the Federal Constitutions.

Whether Malay or non-Malay, all were regarded as citizen of this country. The rights of the Malays as well as non-Malays are spelt out quite clearly. Let us not dwell on those. There is still much to be done and time will never wait for us.

After having said the above, anyone (Malays or non-Malays) challenge the validity of the Federal Constitutions should either be stripped off their citizenship or thrown into prison (and throw away the keys). This treatment should be metted to anyone irregardless of their race!

We should not make any exception and this applies to HINDRAF. Those HINDRAF fellows should be subjected to either treatment for questioning the Federal Constitution.

What I failed to understand is the present Government's reluctance to publish HINDRAF's Affidivit filed in a London Court! Maybe for fear of racial tension? Maybe but the politicians are making worse racial tension!

Dari Borneo ke Minang

Anonymous said...

for GOD sick!!! can everyone please shut up!!! i'm chinese!! and who care i'm pendatang or what!!! ... And what i know is, if i want a better life i mean a wealthy life, i will work hard for it!!! .......... tell me which chinese rich man did not work hard for their money!!!... don't ever say that chinese want to take over the economy!! ..... WE WORK HARD FOR IT!!!

i'm working really damn hard in order to have a better life.... ............... just wonder if i sounded like a chinese who want to take over the country's economy?

i love the country, as much as you - bumiputra........just want to work hard for me, for my family, our country........and our next generation..........

please don't talk about history anymore and look forward ...

by the way we are in deep shit... i mean our economy....which race want to take over that!!!

please!!!! shut up!!! and continue work for what you deserved!!! everyone doing their part as malaysian ..... then our country will have a better economy!!! till then we can talk about who will take over the country!!!

sorry about my a victim of our country's education system ....i got no confidence to write in bahasa, so my broken english is the only option.....

Anonymous said...

Well said, everyone is only temporary tenant of this earth. Any time, we will be vacated by almighty god! Only God knows what's waiting for us next second. If everyone thinks reasonbly and peace lovers like you, definitely our country would be like what we were before 1969. Only UMNOputras are creating havocs,they're greedy of everything.Keep blogging!

Anuarish said...

Izin saya sentuh tentang 3 perkara iaitu sejarah,politik dan jatidiri berkaitan dengan isu ini.


Nampaknya pendapat, hujah maupun fakta-fakta yg telah dikemukakan mengenai sejarah awal kaum pribumi/pendatang dalam konteks ini, di sini kurang berasas kerana tidak disokong dengan sumber-sumber yg konkrit dan tersohor.Rata-rata terselit dgn emosi,sentimen dan 'hearsay'.Menurut kajian baru dgn menggunakan kaedah sample DNA, didapati penduduk asal negara ini iaitu suku kaum asli Semang berasal daripada Afrika.Moyang-moyang mereka telah merantau keluar mengikut susur pantai Afrika dan menyeberangi Laut Merah lalu menyusuri pantai Laut India di antara 45,000 dan 50,000 tahun lalu.Oleh yg demikian,orang-orang Afrika boleh mendabik dada mengatakan merekalah penduduk asal bumi ini.( kes.


Saya kira, orang-orang politik ini pulak buat memandai lebih daripada sejarahwan dan saintis.Kebanyakan pemimpin politik Melayu kurang jujur. Mereka 'claim' mereka mempertahankan hak Melayu,
depan kita cakap macam ini, belakang kita bersekongkol pula dgn bukan-Melayu telan hak orang Melayu. Saya cadang kita ketepikan saja orang-orang politik yang tak tau sejarah dan tak jujur.


Saya kira datuk ni,IQ tak tinggi, EQ rendah dan SQ pulak.. ??!!
Saya kira beliau cuai dan ego. Dan lupa bahawa .."Bahasa itu,menunjukkan Bangsa'.maksud saya bukan tak boleh pertahankan bangsa, tapi buatlah dengan cara yg sarat dan tersirat.

Maaf zahir & batin.

Yang benar,

Anonymous said...

I'm a Malaysian Chinese.
The Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian ( Always Malaysian first) are quite well aware that their ancestors are from China and India. May be after reading you article some Malaysian Malay will realize that their ancestor are from different part of the world too. But all this are not important for peace loving ppl. What we want is peaceful life for our family/our next generation.
Only Crook politician will stir up sensitive racism issue hopefully to gain some mileage.
To all my Malaysian Chinese friends , do not act rashly, any disturbance will upset everyone and no one will gain including the one who stir up the issue.
To all Malaysian : Allah melihat apa yang di-lakukan.

a.z said...

I wonder does our DNA have any race marker? Anybody care to explain this race issue from a scientific point of view? We've already got the historical version of race, theological version and Ahmad Ismail's (UMNOputra's) version. If I'm not mistaken NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC did sponsor a study called A JOURNEY OF MAN to see where we originate from.

Anonymous said...

sebagai satu langkah untuk meneruskan perpaduan, pada pendapat saya, artikel yang disampaikan adalah satu usaha untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan semua orang di negara ini. Sebagai seorang Cina, saya berasa bangga kerana sekurang-kurangnya adanya seorang daripada semua yang masih mengalu-alukan kehadiran kami kaum cina di tanah ini. Terima kasih.

Anonymous said...

Ahmad Ismail and Koh Tsu Koon are just 2 characters in the sandiwara politik Barisan Nasional. Lets focus on the ultimate goal of changing the government to Pakatan Rakyat. With the change of government, a more democratic and meritocratic system will emerge. I see this as the only way forward in order for Malaysia to be competitive in this age of globalisation. Whatever said and done, whoever holds a Mykad is a citizen of Malaysia and nobody has the right to question our origins. The Perlembagaan protects the rights of all Malaysians and if it is followed closely than there should NOT be deprivation of rights of the significant minority. We must respect the fact that non-Malays are taxpayers too and they have also contributed tremendously to development of this country. So before anyone utters a racist statement, we should remember these facts and also what Mr Syed Imran commented.

Anonymous said...

I am touched that there are still many level headed Malaysians out there.
Saya setuju bahawa kita sepatutnya berusaha untuk memajukan negara kita, to be better than our neighbouring countries, bukannya mencetuskan all these damaging feelings. I have travelled to many countries and I still love my tanah air, but I am sad that our country is heading for destruction because of individu-individu yang gilakan kuasa. How can we tell others that we are proud to be a multi racial nation? If we don't stop all these bickering, our country will suffer socio-economically

Anonymous said...

There is no law that restricts a Vietnamese from becoming the PM in Australia. There are many heads of the state who are of non-Brit origin.
Several Asians, including a Malaysia Chinese head various positions of honor.

Wan Faris, as eloquently stated by Syed herein, every person who calls himself Malay originated from outside Malaya. So stop this blatant racism.

I would love it if you could channel your energy into building up Trengganu, Kelantan (sorry I have not been to Perlis or Kedah (except for Kulim)), Sabah & Sarawak. Have you seen the roads linking the major towns?
Have you seen the condition of the villages without piped water and basic roads?

Leaches have been sitting in political positions, vampirishly drinking the blood of the Rakyat.

Come down on them, dont let them mainpulate you on racial & religious grounds.

Remember the Michael Douglas's movie, focus on the problem. Lets improve the infrastructure in Sabah, Sarawak, Trengganu, Kelantan, Pahang, and Kedah/Perlis to make them similar to what we have in KL/Klang Valley.

I guarantee you that the quality of life among the residents of those areas will improve 100X more than another 50 years of DEB. Becoz DEB enriches a handful of people, who take the money out of the country which help boom UK & Australia's real estate markets. These leakages are causing tremendous problems for Malaysians.


Anonymous said...


I truly enjoyed reading your article.

Unfortunately some people do not accept what you said, especially with the comment werent there any original people on this land.

This is a glaring failure of our education system. Malaya, and probably Borneo are new lands. Uninhabited, created from volcanic activity. My memory fails me, but I know "Tanah Melayu" did not exist during the Cretaceous period.

But to answer Luthfi and some of the anonymous commenters, there were no ORIGINAL people on this land. Even the Orang Asli came from earlier migrations.

Unfortunately our exposure to history these days are via BTN and Education Ministry who have "CENSORED" the migration waves.


Teddy said...

Yang berbahagia,

Isu Ahmad Ismail bukan sebenarnya berkaitan dengan semangat bangsa atau api perkauman, tetapi satu perasaan kecewa terhadap abdullah badawi dan disalurkan melalui semangat berapi-api yang tidak kena tempat.

Apa yang mampu selamatkan UMNO adalah seorang pemimpin yang berani, tegas dan boleh memimpin pada waktu-waktu genting ini.

Saya menyokong sebarang usaha untuk menekan/ memaksa Abdullah agar meletakkan jawatan secepat mungkin sebelum nasi menjadi bubur.

Isu disini bukan masalah perkauman, tetapi kemarahan golongan bukan melayu terhadap parti UMNO yang dilihat sebagai ignorance fools terhadap isu-isu berkaitan pembangunan, ekonomi dan taraf hidup masyarakat di Malaysia terutama masalah ekonomi kaum Cina yang teruk merundum dek kelembapan dasar ekonomi Abdullah.

Kaum Cina sedang menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak yakin dengan kepimpinan UMNO dan orang melayu menganggap isu ini adalah isu peribadi melayu sendiri.

Kita sedang menyaksikan cross cultural exchange antara bangsa Melayu yang selalu ambil mudah dan bersikap tidak apa melawan bangsa Cina yang agresif di dalam isu berkaitan ekonomi dan pembangunan.

Abdullah perlu meletakkan jawatan dengan segera. Dia gagal mengawal subordinate dan perasaan parti komponen.

Anonymous said...

Saya amat terharu kerana walaupun negara kita sudah mengekspot begitu ramai "great brains" ke negara asing namun masih ada begitu ramai bersama-sama kita di sini.
Negara ini masih ada harapan lagi untuk maju and berkembang cemerlang selagi kita tidak lupa membantu mereka yang kurang berdaya-saing, kita bukan nak sekadar sebuah negara maju tetapi juga harmoni and penuh kasih sayang. Lebih berjaya daripada Singapore dan Hong Kong, mahupun America.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for this article. You don't know how much this means to those of us who are for peace, understanding and tolerance. Or may be you do. And for that, thank you. so very much.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought, why is it so important that a nobody like ahmad ismail be given so much attention for something spoken in such ignorance, such arrogance and such stupidity. Some may even say let's not waste time on this, don't give him his 15 minutes of fame and get on with our lives.

And then I remembered that we are Malaysians.

That as long as something like this pops up and the people's emotions are rattled, then this is the Malaysia we know, cherish and love.

Of all the things that (our education ministry pre-approved) history taught us, the most important thing is that if we hadn't fought this sort of segregation as carried out by the British in colonial times, we won't be celebrating the independence of Malaysia, now, in 2008.

Our forefathers did it more than 50 years ago because they want a better future for all of us... and percayalah u me, we want the same if not better for future generations so there are many of us who will fight this again until the last breath.

The majority of us need no wars, fights and battles in our lives and in our lands. People who cannot understand, tolerate and appreciate this definitely need to study their history books again among doing other things.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But not everyone is respected for it.

I loved your article, Encik Syed Imran. It is amazing and I respect you for it.

Salam berpuasa and I wish you the best in everything you do.

Anonymous said...

Setuju. Kalau begitu betullah si Ahmad Ismail tu .. dan orang Cina dan India tidak perlulah sensitif kalau disebut sebagai pendatang... soal penumpang... siapa yang tidak menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan negara tetapi asyik mengharapkan negara menyumbang kepada mereka ... golongan ni lah penumpang sebenar..

Anonymous said...

We seems to forget that we are all penumpang & pendatang. Our status here in Malaysia is all relative to time. I am born in Malaysia & I am a Malaysia; Period! Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do & is doing for the country. Be reminded that our status here is temporary to begin with & how long we can stay is not determined by any man made law but only by The Almighty!

Anonymous said...

nicely written.
and adding to the fact that 90% of malaysians are "pendatang"...
some historical researches have actually proven that even the so-called 'locals' in the malay archipelago used to be seafarers or "orang lauts" from islands of madagascar & new zealand. so in short, we are all 'pendatangs' & we all deserve equal rights that is just & not biased (i say so, because its pretty obvious how the current situation in malaysia is. its embarassing that our foreign ministry is unable to answer to international queries about the issue of equal rights in malaysia)

Anonymous said...

Dear Tuan Syed,

If more Malaysians think like you, this would be a very peaceful country.

Unfortunately a lot in UMNO does not think like you, and unfortunately they rule the country and had over the years systematically shaped the mentality of the Malays to how it is today.

Ahmad Ismail may have been punished but it remained to be seen if this fire will subside. I think the fire in the Malays may increased whereas for the Chinese the damage have already been done, many times.

If you ask me, if UMNO are willing to fork out with money to ship the Chinese out, many may take it. Some countries accept just a few hundred thousand of deposit in their banks and would give them PR status.

This is not a lot of money and I think UMNO can easily afford it. This may be a worth while investment if the Chinese are such a pain in the ass for the UMNO Malays.

This is the grave reality of Malaysia.

Jaguh Kampung

Anonymous said...

Fokus balik baik baik....

Adakah Nabi Muhammad SAW memberikan Salman al Farisi harga yang mahal untuk membeli rumah kerana dia berbangsa Parsi, bukan Arab?

Adakah Nabi Muhammad SAW membeza-bezakan antara bangsa bangsa semasa membahagikan rampasan perang?

Bukankah rezeki itu dijanjikan oleh Allah SWT untuk mereka yang berusaha dan bukannya tanah muka bumi ini menjadi hak milik kekal sesetengah bangsa?

Bukankah Nabi Muhammad SAW memberikan Bilal bin Rabah posisi sebagai bilal walaupun dia berbangsa Habsyah?

Adakah perjuangan bangsa Melayu yang kita ikut di Malaysia ini berdasarkan al-Quran dan Sunnah?

Adakah kita ni buat benda yang betul ataupun haram?

Anonymous said...

Yang penting sekarang ni ialah untuk kita fokuskan diri kita sebelum menuding jari ataupun mengikut kata2 orang lain.

Kalau semua orang boleh memajukan diri sendiri, berusaha tekun dan bekerja keras untuk memperbaiki diri melalui ilmu yang benar, kita tak perlu mana mana parti untuk memperjuangkan hak kita kerana kita sendiri boleh power.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I was directed to this blog from a friend of mine. Well I been following the situation in Malaysia for quite sometimes now and feel the matter is getting worst! Everyone seem to care a lot of who is pendatang or who is bumiputra in this country. Suddenly everyone become so knowledgeable with History and giving heaps of facts to go along to prove the origin of this country.

While doing this, I think it's better for us to also aware how the world are looking at us now! Is this the type of country that I want to invest or to move my company here? Is the country political stablish? Will the change of goverment or knowing who is the main race in this country help in anyway?

I am a Chinese and yes, I admit sometimes I do feel hurt with all the remarks about Chinese this and that or even Indian this and that! It's always " Jangan cabar ketuanan Melayu" or respect the Malay when your ancestor was a immigrant from else where. In this country, do you honestly feel everyone care about who take over the goverment or which race is more superior?

I think most likely will choose a comfortable life with just enough food and a roof to cover our head. Perhaps even better will be a good health and extra money to spend with the family. Goverment main cause should be champion for the poor and not just any particular race but your countryman who is and born in Malaysia!

Look at Singapore a small country with no natural resources but achieve so much compare to those few times their size! How many states in Malaysia is bigger than Singapore but their achievement is pale compare to the Lion City!

It is as simple as each state is govern by a ministry and structure just like a company with the leader and assistant all below to run the state with direction from the central goverment! If only all minister in every state able to concentrate on this alone, I am sure we could be the best in the region!

Put aside the arguement of races but instead concentrate to do better for the countryman. Look again the policy and red tape, is it necessary? If all the politician is so good on History suddenly perhaps we could channel all this energy to study a better way to improve the country (for real this time). Too much promises will hurt everyone!

I am sorry if I might offend anyone here but this is what I wanted to say all this while for all this unnecessary bickering is moving to a new level that could hurt more than just race issue!

Jacky Gan

Anonymous said...

Though history is important let's not drown in the past. Why don't we concern about present time --our 21st century? Why don't we utilize our time to improve and build this country well rather than wasting time on meaningless argument?

After all, we are all MALAYSIANS.

Thank you Tuan for your objective thoughts! Malaysia needs people like you. :)

**Love Peace <3

Hanafee said...

i loved this article in all its simplicity and also its delicate and intrinsic detail...

But one must understand that it is not racism that is within our nation... Talking from an objective point of view... I dont think Ahmad Ismails comments were directed at the race Chinese... But rather at those who have questioned the ideals of the social contract. Yes I agree that it was wrong but to most there needs to be reminder that Ahmad Ismail was not speaking out of fear for the Chinese... but fear for his own races inability...

My name would suggest my race and to a certain extent (although i do not totally agree) i understand how Ahmad Ismail is feeling, a Malay leader frustrated with his own inability and my races inability to be extraordinary...

Malaysia Being Unique does not have the same kind of racism other nations such as America or Australia has, we drew a line of compromise when we agreed to the social contract... i think its only predictable that when the social contract was brought into question by non-malays that the malays who believed in the contract would react in such manner....

I have known extraordinary Indians and Chinese in my life... People who have made a big difference in my life and ironically sometimes those who remind me of Allah were non-muslims... But for all reading... i implore you to not judge so hastily on one persons comments.... There is no need to view this person as a bad or evil person... maybe... he was desperate....

Anonymous said...

Yes, my ancestors' historical origins is China and my ethnicity is Chinese. And yes, if we accept the definition of "kaum pendatang" as those who came to a land where there is an existing socio-political-econ structure established by a dominant ethnic group, then I am from "kaum pendatang". But I refuse to acknowledge that it should have any relevance today because I was born here, a Malaysian. I have contributed and am contributing toward building the current structure and as a stakeholder of this country, knowing no other as my home, I have a right to decide how I want my home to be set up and run, along with fellow family members. No one family member can dictate or set the rules for others to follow. No one is "subservient" (as one commentator here implied of kaum pendatang) when we are all under the same roof and depend on each other to keep that roof over our heads. Thanks to UMNO's ultra-Malay indoctrination under Dr M all these years, most Malays really believe they have special rights here, forgetting that their religion speaks of equality. I don't blame the likes of Ahmad Ismail for their bigotry. They are a product of the discriminatory system that has been in place for decades, as well as our dismal public education system that has not taught us what it means to be human on this earth.

- Siew Eng

Anonymous said...

If only more 'Malaysians' will open up their eyes and see the truth, then we will be fighting and competing in a global world instead of fighting within ourselves in own own beloved country. All of us are citizens of earth, none of us can claim to 'own' any land. Countries are nothing but imaginary borders drawn up by groups of people who claim 'ownership' of the land.

It's not important where one is from, whether it's China or Arab or Indonesia but what is important is what one has contributed to Malaysia, being 'our lands'.

Instead of promoting the idea of Malaysia as a united country, sadly we have less than bright politicians spewing ridiculous statements, in reality, it is just to gather more support from particular races for his own benefit.

I honestly hope that I will live to see a day where each of us proud Malaysians can look at each other in the eye and be proud that we are Malaysians, and not Chinese or Malay or Indian or whatever race. Malaysia is what it is today, due to contributions from all Malaysians, not any particular race.

I like to rally all Malaysians, to change your mindset, to think of one another as Malaysians - just imagine in Olympics or sports, do we care whether the sportsman is a Chinese or Indian or Malay? No, what is important is they are Malaysians representing Malaysia, competing against the world. A very good example is Datuk Nicole David, being world number 1 in squash for as long as I can remember (is it more than 5 years already now?). She, is a true Malaysian, who has contributed more to Malaysia than some idiotic, racist politician. The same goes for other sportsmen, who have brought glory to Malaysia, e.g. the Sidek brothers, Punch Gunalan, the 1992 Thomas Cup champions - all are Malaysians in their own right.

One quick way to test yourself, when you are overseas and people ask of your origin, what do you answer?

1. I'm a Malaysian.
2. I'm a Chinese/Indian/Malay (delete whichever applicable).

If most of us answer #1, we have a hope. If however, most of us answer #2, then we really need to look in the mirror.

And for wanfaris wankadir, if you do not know Australia, then please don't comment on behalf of them suggesting whether they accept Australians of Vietnamese origins or not. Please look at yourself, and ask if you accept your fellow Malaysians as Malaysians first. Also, look at yourself and think what have you contributed to our homeland, instead of talking about history. We should be looking forward, not backward.

I do accept the fact that Chinese and Indians are brought to Malaya by the British. But they have contributed to Malaysia and helped develop. If the Chinese are labeled 'pendatang' because of that, does that mean people in Melaka (which was founded by Parameswara) should be labeled as 'cowards'? (you know why Parameswara 'fled' to Melaka, don't you?)

So please don't go back to prehistoric times, we need to be united and move forward and compete in the global world and economy as Malaysians, one country, one identify but with the various multicultural customs and Islam as the official, respected religion!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I believe this article is outright shallow in its consideration of facts and implications! The article try to play on with more terms such as 'menumpang'and bring along the religious approach of all being here on god's borrowed time. Man if you want to argue on who are the malays and start from the angle of parentage that came from china, india, yemen, then i say you are just downright melodramatic and non even acdemically correct. If you think that the UMNO interpretation is biased, then i suggest you go and read Dr. Syed Husin Ali's book - The Malays, Their Problems and Future.

Arguing that malays are also of chinese origins to just so lame and old. To trace the history and say malays came from south china and therefore justify them as also pendatang is just short to support your argument. Why stop the human migration from china to malay peninsula? why not traced the migration from its origin, Africa? Then we can all claim that all races are actually Africans! what loads of bollocks.

A race is a group of people that share the same physics, culture, history etc. Picking on individual example like neighbour marraying a pakistani to a malay and accepted as a malay is so skewed at best. Isn't it obvious that he is still a pakistani first, and the children will be of mixed parentage, and the grand children will be more diluted and became more malay or pakistani pending on which inclination the family gravitate. It doesn't change the fact that the millions other malays out there that have pass this generation filter to make them unique in their culture, physic, history etc. So, malay will be malay. And this goes to Chinese in china, English in england and so forth.

The diffrence in the chinese here in malaysia to the malays cannot be denied. They have their own culture, language, physics, etc that hasn't changed very much from the chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. Therefore the difference in the races are obvious unlike those in Indonesia or Thailand where they are assimilated.

Now the implication of accepting all being the same and without special previledges could be somewhat like Singapore. It was once a malay dominated place. Where are the malays now. We can delve into the histroy of past 50 years to see what had happened but that would make this note a little to long.

Championing each other race is not the same as being racist. That is what the opposition is trying to sell and if you buy that then i say that you have been conned! Should you be ashame of your race? Even the Quran says "I have created you in many races so that you can learn from each other". I say we should be focusing on the issues of equality, good governance, just, accountability, and not stoked the race issue that is currently prevailent which by the way is promoted by the opposition for their own gains.

When argued on equality, we can be more specific on what we wish to have. 50-50 for malays and non-malays? Is that fair based on the current wealth distributions? Think, argue, and we can develop this nation. But this race issue is just a downward spiral that will suck us into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

the best part is some ppl can even complaint abt chinese dominating the economics or education or sports or what so ever.... wake up ppl!!! these ppl are successfull in the field tht they take up... because of the hard work, endless effort and courage... im NOT a Chinese(if u wanna accuse me of supporting a chinese)... this is not about supporting any1 by his or her race... its abt who deserve what... no1 give the chinese privelleges like those given to 'bumiputras'... yet they can compete very well and end up successful...they are a good example of how special priveleges Do NOT determine success.. its about how u use em smartly, and about how u work and maximize the use f the resources available towards success... jealousy shud b the only explaination for all the complaints...

I'm always glad that Im a Malaysian... who care if a chinese or a malay or an indian who gains victory in sports or anything else... as long as he or she is a Malaysian... I would applaud and cheer heartily....

dear brother and sisters of Malaysia... to b successful, all u need is effort, hard work, smart thinking and an open mind which believes that successs is yours if u think u can! even sky is not the limit!

Anonymous said...

Memang kita semua pendatang. Tapi dalam perlembagaan bukankah telah dipersetujui yg pendatang Melayu mendapat hak keistimewaan yg lebih dari pendatang Cina/India (disamping hak2 keistimewaan Cina/India dipelihara)?

Pada saya menpersoalkan hak2 keistimewaan orang Melayu tanpa membicarakan jaminan terhadap hak2 Cina/India adalah tindakan yg tidak gentleman.

Masa mahukan kerakyataan dahulu, syarat2 telah ditetapkan dan dipersetujui semuanya dengan jelas. Sekarang cuba nak potraykan yg bangsa Melayu sentiasa menzalimi bangsa lain. Pada saya sikap begini adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan yg akan menaikkan kemarahan.

Anonymous said...

Well written piece my friend Tuan Syed. Excellent and I hope we could get more Penangites to be as honest and truthful as you.

selvaraja somiah

Anonymous said...

Yelah Abdullah. Tunggu apa lagi.

Dah tak elegan, dah hilang seri semua sekali dah.

Org2 Melayu dan bukan Melayu bersatu hati, you ah definitely have to go one.

The country needs and deserves a better leader. Ok?

Anonymous said...

Apabila Malaysia (Rashid Sidek, Melayu) lawan China dalam Badminton , saya jerit, "Malaysia...." Sama, apabila Malaysia diserang oleh China (kalau berlaku), saya ambil senjata, tembak China (bukan Melayu, bukan Cina, bukan Indian, bukan Kadazan etc...).Saya seorang Cina yang dilahirkan di Johor, Malaysia (bukan China). Saya tak tau apa tajuk "Negaraku" China, tak tau apa maksud 5 bintang di atas Bendera China, tak tau apa Rukun Negara China, tak tau bila China "merdeka", tak tau siapa "Perdana Menteri" China etc etc..... China, terlalu asing bagi saya. I love Malaysia, thank you, Tuan Syed.

Anonymous said...

is it bcause in History,the name of this land ~ Tanah Melayu or Malaya equals to belong to Malays?

so ignorant..if really wanna differentiate until who is the actual landlord of Malaysia ~ my dear i can clearly tell you that it is mixed race. Even in China there is a large group of Chinese Muslim or Eurasion Muslim in the European country ~ what if they are been abuse in that country?

Will it break your heart when you saw in the news of the Mother Nature wrath in Acheh? Do only the Malays help them? is the cooperation from all not only one.

So please refain from barking abt local or not? it is damn embarassing when the so called pariah government keep on firing the racist issue when they can easily migrate to foreign countries..

Anonymous said...

Apabila Malaysia (Rashid Sidek, Melayu) lawan China dalam Badminton , saya jerit, "Malaysia...." Sama, apabila Malaysia diserang oleh China (kalau berlaku), saya ambil senjata, tembak China (bukan Melayu, bukan Cina, bukan Indian, bukan Kadazan etc...).Saya seorang Cina yang dilahirkan di Johor, Malaysia (bukan China). Saya tak tau apa tajuk "Negaraku" China, tak tau apa maksud 5 bintang di atas Bendera China, tak tau apa Rukun Negara China, tak tau bila China "merdeka", tak tau siapa "Perdana Menteri" China etc etc..... China, terlalu asing bagi saya. I love Malaysia, thank you, Tuan Syed.

Anonymous said...

terima kasih saudara yang adil saksama bila manangani isu isu seperti ini. thank you

Anonymous said...

Melayu, Cina, India, Arab, Jawa .... kalau ganggu kesejahteraan hidup aku sekeluarga, aku sepak bontot dia, walaupun dia sebangsa dengan aku

Anonymous said...

dear mr. syed,
this is indeed a well-written and brilliant article!!
i am truly saddened by our country's current state of affairs.
i have a question to those who think that malaysia belongs to malays only,
if you are a true muslim, shouldnt you acknowledge that this land belongs to God Almighty? not a bunch of 'bumiputras'? (by the way, even the word 'bumiputra' originates from sanskrit--is the word a pendatang too? ;)

ketam said...

Saya merujuk kepada kes Ahmad Ismail dimana beliau mengatakan bahawa Kaum Cina di Malaysia dahulu adalah PENUMPANG.Lebih jelas lagi adalah PENDATANG. Ahmad Ismail memang betul tetapi tidak semua Kaum CIna adalah PENDATANG kerana lihat daripada sejarah KESULTANAN MELAYU ramai kaum CINA di terima oleh SULTAN-SULTAN sebagai rakyat mereka. Tetapi kemasukan Kaum Cina dan India ke Tanah Melayu adalah kerana mereka datang untuk berkerja sama ada datang sendiri atau dibawa oleh pihak BRITISH dan JEPUN.
Bagi saya secara rasionalnya apa yang dikatakan oleh AHMAD ISMAIL adalah benar belaka tetapi ia adalah didalam konteks SEJARAH.
Jika dia memainkan isu perkauman maka memang di patut dihukum tetapi apa yang ditekankan semasa ceramah dia di PErmatang PAuh adalah untuk mengingatkan Kaum CIna supaya bersyukur kerana mereka diberi STATUS KERAKYATAN yang sebenarnya ditentang oleh kebanyakan orang-orang melayu yang dibawah naungan SULTAN-SULTAN,itulah sebab utama ORANG MELAYU menolak MALAYAN UNION,namun begitu atas semangat timbangrasa ORANG MELAYU maka mereka dapat menerima ORANG-ORANG BUKAN MELAYU diberi HAK KERAKYATAN DI TANAH MELAYU.

HAK KERAKYATAN ITU ADALAH SUCI DIDALAM PERLEMBAGAAN, maka tiada sesiapa pun yang layak dan berhak menafikan HAK KERAKYATAN seseorang itu sama ada dia itu MELAYU,CINA atau INDIA atau apa-apa BANGSA pun.





Jika AHMAD ISMAIL dikatakan bersifat perkauman,bagaimana pula KARPAL SINGH dan LIM KIT SIANG yang hendakkan Artikel 153 dihapuskan,bukankah itu satu sikap PERKAUMAN?? Dan tidak menghormati PERLEMBAGAAN..

Bagaimana pula dengan Teresa Kok yang ingin supaya Tulisan Jawi di buang di semua PapanTanda Jalan di Lembah Kelang? Bukankah itu satu sikap PERKAUMAN (buat pengetahuan orang bukan melayu bahawa bahasa melayu dahulu adalah ditulis dalam bahasa JAWI (arab) bukan rumi).

Maka pada pendapat saya sesipa pun yang mengungkit perkara yang mempertikaikan HAK-HAK YANG TELAH TERMAKTUB DIDALAM PERLEMBAGAAN dia harus di tahan menggunakan ISA sama ada orang itu orang politik atau tidak.

Jika kenyataan orang politik itu boleh menjurus kepada rusuhan maka tahan dia baik UMNO,MCA,DAP,MIC,PKR,PAS,SAPP,PBS,LDP,PPP dan semua NGO's.

If we dont like the government just vote againt them in next election,dont stir up problem that can cause chaos.
I dont hate my chinese and indian neighbour,in fact we are very good to each other plus other children go to school together.

Sometimes if you all POLITICIAN ask too much,question too much,complaining too much,arguing too much,thats what actually divide US.

I think and this is i think the most appropicate way for us,all malaysian,to be together is to abolish all other school except the NATIONAL SCHOOL so that our children can life and learn together.Is that what all of us want,isnt it!! Stop training to fight for your right to practice MANDARIN or TAMIL because you can also learned it in the NATIONAL SCHOOL.Make it a MUST to have the SUBJECT in MANDARIN and TAMIL.Then all of our children can speaks 4 languages.

Oelh itu kawan-kawan semua HORMATI lah HAK-HAK yang ada pada kita.JAngan cuba mempertikaikan HAK orang lain kerana HAK anda juga akan dipertikaikan.

Sayangi diri anda,keluarga anda,jiran anda,bangsa anda,bahasa anda,agama anda dan paling utama sekali kesejahteran,keharmonian,keamanan dan kedamaian NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA..

Nasionalis said...

Mengajak bertukar-tukar pautan. Perjuangan kita sama, ayuh sokong menyokong.

Anonymous said...

This is a good write-up. I think my one question is how Portugese who came over to Melaka can be labelled as Bumiputra when they came over to primarily conquer and not to trade?

This is something Ali Rustam probably kept his eyes closed.

Anonymous said...

Our cabinet is full of monkeys who only treat their positions as money making opportunities instead of helping the rakyat. I'm sure all of you nice people out there agree to what i have said. These people have no integrity.

What did we rakyat do to deserve all these????? Yes we have to blame ourselves because WE VOTED THEM in the first place. *Sigh*

All races have disparities (some rich, some poor, some average, some filthy rich, some below poverty levels). Open up our eyes and see for ourselves.

John Lim said...

Tuan Syed, I have do you a favour in translate in into English. It is posted on my blog

Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with Chinese. It has to do with malays versus the world.

So what if all Chinese left Malaysia, malays still have to compete with the rest of world. Malays can still be "conquered" by foreigners. You cannot escape competition.

Malays still have to learn how to live and work with the rest of world since Malaysia is a "small" country and has to trade with China and India.

Why do Chinese want to conquer and control Malaysia? It is so small. Chinese wants to be global competitor. We do not want to be "Jaguh" Kampung.

The choice lay with malays. Learn to compete or suffer the consequences. That is the universal value of the world.

Anonymous said...


So what about UK lands in the Peninsula? What was that called Tanah UK?

And what about the 4 northern states that belonged to Thailand, that the Sultan groveled to the UK to take back? Tanah Thai?

And previous to that all the lands owned by Portugal and Holland? Tanah Portugal and Holland?

And how about the fiefdom of Raja Brooke in Borneo? Tanah Brooke?

Each state may have had its own Sultan and government but that does not = Malaysia!

If Malaysia was your own land to control then how come we had to have independence? I suppose Umno teach you that you have to declare independence from yourself?

Stupidest thing I ever heard!

You should go study Malaysia history, real Malaysia history not that doctored Umno garbage!

Anonymous said...

True enough, Article 153 of the 1957 Federal Constitution does provide for the special position of malays, natives of Sabah and Sarawak, and other marginalised groups.

However, what this special position means is open for debate.

Some believe it merely meant socio-economic position, one that changes dynamically and hence can be renegotiated.

Further, pre-independence documents - the Cobbold Commission Report, the Federation of Malaya Constitutional Proposals and the Reid Commission Report - reveal that this position was meant to be temporary.

The "special right" of malays was therefore understood not as a God-given mark, but recognition of socio-economic status until such a time this could be elevated.

davidteoh said...

I'm a 5th generation Straits-born Malaysian Chinese studying in Melbourne. I find it quite amusing that there are comments painting the Australia as being 'racist' and biased towards 'pendatang'. That's not true, in fact the policies for equal opportunity and outlawing all forms of discrimination is an ongoing process and being improved upon year by year.

Even for permanent residents, there are no laws stopping them from pursuing government subsidised university education or getting financial aid from the government ie first home buyer's grant of AUD10k etc.

There are no limits to what a non-caucasian can achieve. Take for example Melbourne has a mayor of ethnic Chinese origin, Hon. John So, and he speaks English with a strong Hong Kong accent.Nevertheless he is well loved by the public into his 3rd elected term in office. During the opening and closing ceremonies of the Commonwealth Games in 2006, he got a resounding applause which did not die down, his presence eclipsing Queen Elizabeth. Why? Because people felt proud to be part of a great city and we were proud of our mayor. Who cares what his race is?!

All Malaysians irregardless of race wish to contribute to the development of the country. It hurts me personally that if I were to raise my children in Malaysia, they would be 6th generation born in Malaysia knowing no other country than Malaysia yet be told every few months by some stupid UMNO politician to 'balik tongsan'. My future children will not have equal access to tertiary education and even if they do manage to get into a local university, they will not get a world class education because government policy has stifled excellence due to racial politics. What placing is University Malaya now? 284? 300? Better than Ghana? or Better than Burma? All this is really ridiculous for me to accept.

I have always been loyal to DYMM YDP Agong and accept the special position of the Bumiputera (not just the Malays). I am not questioning the special position of the Bumiputera as enshrined in the constitution either. I am questioning the failed policies of the current regime led by UMNO which has compromised Malaysia's ability to compete in a challenging world. We have been paying a corruption tax to prop up incompetant nincumpoops who get projects based on political patronage rather than real ability. The same UMNO warlords in their shiny new Mercedes Benz publicly blaming the Chinese for the problems in the economy because apparently the Chinese have 'control'.

So from afar I weep for Malaysia, caught in racial rhetoric.

thepplway求真 said...

kami anak Malaysia!

Anonymous said...

Wanfaris Wankadir said:

"But do you think these Vietnamese are accepted fully by the Australian caucasians???"

The point is, Australian law and institutions protect the rights of ALL citizens equally, something I find hard pressed to find in Malaysia. The public service even goes as far as providing translation facilities for non-English speaking Australians!! Australia truly boleh, mate!

We carry on about multi-racial Malaysia, but Australia is home to more than 150 languages! More than a quarter Aussies are not born in Australia, yet they are citizens and enjoy equal benefits as what you term as "Caucasian" Australians.

Anonymous said...

Siapa saja yang bukan pendatang?
Moyang perempuan saya dari sebelah ayah saya merupakan orang Cina. Moyang saya sebelah emak pula datang dari Banjarmasin. Kita semua ada kepelbagaian etnik dalam diri kita..
Tidak ada istilah "Melayu jati" sebenarnya. Malah, istilah melayu itu terlalu luas, hanya didefinisikan secara perundangan sahaja, melaui Perlembagaan sahaja. Dari segi ilmu Antropologi, bagaimana pula Melayu ini difahami?
Maka, siapa yang bukan pendatang, yang benar-benar penduduk pribumi Malaysia ini?
saya yakin, ahli antropologis dan pengkaji sejarah akan menyatakan bahawa Orang Asli dan Orang Asal merupakan penduduk asal dan pribumi di Malaysia. Itu pun jika kita tidak mengambil kira dari mana mereka datang sebenarnya. Pasti,satu ketika pada beribu-ribu tahun dahulu, keturunan mereka berhijrah mungkin dari China, India, atau dari kepulauan Indonesia.
Jangan hanya belajar sejarah. Belajar juga zaman pra-sejarah.
Namun begitu, nasib Orang Asli juga masih tidak terbela oleh sesiapa, termasuklah UMNO.

Anonymous said...

Dear Malaysians,

We can continue arguing about this issue until our last breath, we will still be at the same spot.
Just accept every Malaysian as MALAYSIAN.

For the Malaysians which have special right, where are you now? Are you happy with the present situation?

If your so call "special right" is remove, are you going to be worst off? NO it will be the same, you still have to struggle for your bowl of rice.

BUT if without "special right" the crooks politicians, ppl associated with them will no longer able to rob our money away.

This money will then can be use develop our country.

Why are you holding on to this "special right" to benefit those crooks?

Malaysian without "special right", is this the end? NO we have to work double hard for the bowl of rice.

Stop arguing this issue, forget about "special right" put our hearts together, work towards a common goals- A strong Nation that can compete with the world.

Why fight amongst ourselves? What can we achieve? It only benefits the crooks politicians. They will be very happy and laughing to the banks.

Anonymous said...

Sebagai makhluk, kita semua menumpang di BUMI ALLAH yang disebut negara Malaysia. Cuma sepatutnya, sebagai rakyat Malaysia adalah tidak masuk akal kalau tidak tahu berbahasa Melayu/Malaysia sesuai dengan bahasa rasminya. Kalau bercakap Bahasa Melayu pun tidak tahu, maka saya percaya, layaklah dia di katakan bukan rakyat Malaysia tetapi bukan pendatang.

Anonymous said...

It is true that historically, Tanah Melayu (Malaya) belongs to the Malays. Perhaps during that period of time, the Malays are not Muslim yet, and our current Muslim Malays historian might have choose not to elaborate on that. If the Malays in Malaysia really belongs to the descendant of Sriwijaya or Majapahit or Malacca Sultanate, they can say proudly that they are the master of this land (even though the Aborigines are the locals). However, our Malaysian Constitution has a clause that define Bumiputra in Constitutions to provide special rights for the Malays of Sriwijaya/Majapahit/Malacca Sultanate descendant which have resided here before British colonise this land. As pointed out by Mr. Syed Imran, this rights may be abuse by some so called "Malays" where their fore father were migrated to this land after British colonise Malaya. When there is a cross marriage, that comes the loops for being a bumiputra. Just a thought about it, if a Turkish migrated into Malaya in 1850 and married a local lady, will their offsprings called as Malays or they belongs to immigrant family. But, this case their offsprings are called as Bumiputra, which have been accepted by the local malays for their religion similarity. The same will apply even for chinese descendant who married a local muslim lady and their offspring will be eventually accepted as bumiputra.

I am not trying to provoke the sentiment about religion. I trying to let the local malays (those who should be really entitle for bumiputra rights) to defend their rights. Our UMNO leaders (where most of their grandfather/great-grandfather) not a descendant of Malays from Srivijaya/Majapahit, calling to defend the rights for Malays? It is really a joke. Or are they fighting for their bumiputra rights (which supposingly belongs to true Malays descendant) which had been enjoying for free over the years. Should that the true Malays start to think about this or are the true Malays are too weak to fight their immigrant malays?

Unknown said...

Kini Malaysia tampak kehilangan,
Pemimpin diselar tidak kuat,
Konon pimpin secara sembarangan,
Rakyat mula hilang kesabaran,
Ada yang kedegilan tidak terhad,
Dicari-cari semua apanya ubat.
Bukankah ubat wujud lagi nyata,
Adanya Perlembagaan dan Rukun Negara,
Hak semua terjamin dan dihormati,
Kesopanan dan kesusilaan,
Bukankah itu yang dipengangi?
Atau maju sekaumlah pegangan?

Anonymous said...

Tuan Syed,

SYABAS Tuan! Very well said!! Thank you so very much for this free service, I hope everybody will rest their case and continue with their lives, no more racial comments and let's build up our country again in a renew commitment and take it to greater height.

I doubt UMNO peoples will take your comment here in good faith.
I always have the impression that they think they are more superior, more "malayness" than anybody else.

I guess the people in PR are more "malayness" than in BN. What do you think?

I do have lots of Malay friends but they all don't behave like those from UMNO.
I find my friends to be polite, humble and hard-working type trying to make ends meet to bring food on the table for their families.

After 51 years we are called pendatang is really uncalled for. Please remember that our fore-fathers; yours, mine and others also sacrificed defending and toiled to make Malaysia to what it is today.
Don't you think it is very ungrateful now to say such thing when he (Ahmad) and his families are enjoying the fruits of their labour?

I have to explain to my childrens that we are Malaysian, not pendatang of any kind. You can see they are also effected with this kind of irresponsible remarks.

Regards to ALL,
Concerned Citizen of MALAYSIA!
( i am sure there are many out there like me )

Anonymous said...

Thanks God,

Atleast there is a "Tuan Syed" who stays true to its name. Bagus Pak Tuan, teruskan pemikiran yg sebegini. Dinamik dan progressif! Bukannya seperti mereka2 yg seumpama katak dibawah tempurung.

To be honest, sometimes I cant understand the logics of those who seems to be more "sudu dari kuah". Like that Ahmad Ismail from UMNO BB. Know what? I'm more beginning to be convince that UMNO actually stands as United MAMAK National Organization, i.e.; "Malay" in disguise!

Where have all the malays gone?

oney_chan9 said...

Saya sokong En. Buyong 100%. memang melayu, cina,india dan lain-lain bangsa lagi yang telah menetap di malaysia di anggap warga Malaysia. Tapi bila time mintak kerja,naik pangkat memang pilih kaum-kaum tertentu, bukannya pilih orang Malaysia.

oney_chan9 said...


Anonymous said...

Subject: FW: Contesting Malayness....know more truth

Interesting ..

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:20:37 +0800
It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all "Malaysian" free for all. While we are on the subject, how many of you have read the book entitled Contesting Malayness"? Written by a Professor of National University of Singapore . Cost S$32 (about). It reflects the Anthropologists' views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin with.

If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000 yrs ago, they moved into Taiwan , (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines (now the Aeta) and moved into Borneo (4,500 yrs ago) (Dayak).

They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000 yrs ago. A sub-group from Borneo also moved to Champa in Cambodia at 4,500 yrs ago.

Interestingly, the Champa deviant group moved back to present day Kelantan. There are also traces of the Dong Song and HoaBinh migration from Vietnam and Cambodia . To confuse the issue, there was also the Southern Thai migration, from what we know as Pattani today. (See also "Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsular".)

Of course, we also have the Minangkabau(s) who come from the descendants of Alexander the Great and a West Indian Princess. (Sejarah Melayu page 1-3.)

So the million Dollar Question: Is there really a race called the "Malays"? All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO.

Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants who prefer to be known as "Achenese"? Or the Ibans who simply want to be known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you get. You'll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over.

The definition of "Malay" is therefore simply a collection of peoples who speak a similar type language. With what is meant by a similar type language does not mean that the words are similar. Linguists call this the "Lego-type" language, where words are added on to the root word to make meaning and give tenses and such. Somehow, the Indonesians disagree with this classification. They refuse to be called Malay. Anyhow you may define it. Watch "Malays in Africa " - a Museum Negara produced DVD. Also, the "Champa Malays" by the same.

With this classification, they MUST also include the Phillipinos, the Papua New Guineans, the Australian Aboriginies, as well as the Polynesian Aboriginies. These are of the Australo Melanesians who migrated out of Africa 60,000 yrs ago.

Getting interesting? Read on.

"Malay" should also include the Taiwanese singer "Ah Mei" who is Alisan, as her tribe are the ancestors of the "Malays". And finally, you will need to define the Southern Chinese ( Funan Province ) as Malay also, since they are from the same stock 6,000 yrs ago.

Try calling the Bugis a "Malay". Interestingly, the Bugis, who predominantly live on Sulawesi are not even Indonesians. Neither do they fall into the same group as the migrating Southern Chinese of 6,000 yrs ago, nor the Australo Melanesian group from Africa .

Ready for this?

The Bugis are the cross-breed between the Chinese and the Arabs. (FYI, a runaway Ming Dynasty official whom Cheng Ho was sent to hunt down.) Interestingly, the Bugis were career Pirates in the Johor-Riau Island areas. Now the nephew of Daeng Kemboja was appointed the First Sultan of Selangor. That makes the entire Selangor Sultanate part Arab, part Chinese!

Try talking to the Bugis Museum curator near Kukup in Johor. Kukup is located near the most south-western tip of Johor. (Due south of Pontian Kechil.)

Let's not even get into the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekiu, and Hang Lekir, who shared the same family last name as the other super famous "Hang" family member, Hang Li Poh. And who was she? The princess of a Ming Dynasty Emperor who was sent to marry the Sultan of Malacca. Won't that make the entire Malacca Sultanate downline "Baba"?

Since the older son of the collapsed Malaccan Sultanate got killed in Johor, (the current Sultanate is the downline of the then, Bendahara) the only other son became the Sultan of Perak. Do we see any Chinese-ness in Raja Azlan? Is he the descendant of Hang Li Poh?

Next question. If the Babas are part Malay, why have they been marginalized by NOT BEING BUMIPUTERA? Which part of "Malay" are they not? Whatever the answer, why then are the Portuguese of Malacca NOT BUMIPUTERA? Did they not come 100 yrs AFTER the arrival of the first Babas? Parameswara founded Malacca in 1411. The Portugese came in 1511, and the Dutch in the 1600's. Strangely, the Babas were in fact once classified Bumiputera, but discovered that they were strangely "declassified" in the 1960s. WHY?

The Sultan of Kelantan had similar roots to the Pattani Kingdom making him of Thai origin. And what is this "coffee table book" by the Sultan of Perlis claiming to be the direct descendant of the prophet Muhammed? Somehow we see Prof Khoo Khay Khim's signature name on the book. I'll pay good money to own a copy of it myself. Anyone has a spare?

So, how many of you have met with orang Asli(s)? The more northern you go, the more African they look. Why are they called Negrito(s)? It is a Spanish word, from which directly translates "mini Negros ". The more southern you go, the more "Indonesian" they look. And the ones who live at Cameron Highlands kinda look 50-50. You can see the Batek at Taman Negara, who really looks like Eddie Murphy to a certain degree. Or the Negritos who live at the Thai border near Temenggor Lake (north Perak). The Mah Meri
in Carrie Island looks almost like the Jakuns in Endau Rompin. Half African, half Indonesian.

By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu Malay Empire in Kedah. Yes, I said it right. The Malays were Hindu. It was, by the old name Langkasuka. Today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu Malay Empire was 2,000 yrs old, pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt, who came about around 500-600 yrs later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help start it. By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too since they were here 2,000 yrs ago! Why are they marginalized?

So, in a nutshell, the "Malays" (anthropologists will disagree with this "race" definition) are TRULY ASIA!!! (Main continent and West Asia included)

Here are some comments from Michael in answer to some Malays who have attacked him for penning this commentary.

Greetings. This is Michael Chick. Unlike others who hide behind "anonymous synonyms" I came clear with my real name. The post which I put up was not a figment of my imagination but the end result of 3 years extensive research. As such, the facts presented are clear-cut, straightforward and unassuming. Perhaps you would all like to chat with any anthropologist at UM before sending-off any flaming sparks in my direction again. These Professors should be as Malaysian as any of you.

The subject matter is fact-based. To Bayi, "Contesting Malayness" is available at Kinokuniya at Takashimaya 4th floor, Orchard road. At a cost of S$32. It is also available at National University of Singapore. Why? 'Coz it's their textbook. Let me repeat -"Contesting Malayness" is an NUS textbook, published by NUS Press, written by Professor Tony Milner.

To Achmad Sudarsono, calling the Malays a "race" is akin to calling the Hokkiens or the Javanese a "race". Please do not confuse the term "orang" with "Bangsa". What do I mean? The term 'orang' is used by Malays to describe Orang Bugis, Orang Acheh, Orang Laut, Orang India , Orang Melayu. And here is where the confusion was. Orang Melayu merely refers to the residents of Kampung Melayu near Jambi, near Palembang . Please use Google Earth to find its exact location.

Unless you can say that all "Orang Melayu" are descendants of that village, you simply cannot be called Orang Melayu. In fact the name "Malay" has been traced to Lembah Bujang, where the Indian traders used to call the locals "Malai" (in Tamil) to describe the locals. The locals were animistic pagans at that time, and readily adopted Hindu practices and Indian customs. "Raja" and "Sultan" are Indian titles. The adat bersanding with the pelamin are of Indian origin. Even the "gifts-bearing" walk by the groom has its Indian roots. Please attend an Indian Wedding before flaming me again. Or have a chat with Prof Nik Hassan who is in charge of the Lembah Bujang archaeological excavations.

Malaya, was therefore a derivative from Himalaya . "Sejarah Melayu" therefore was describing the Kampong Melayu origins. But here is where, from pages 1-3, it will tell you that Kampong Melayu are descendants of Iskandar Zulkarnain (Alexander the Great) through the bloodline of a West Indian Princess. This came from Sejarah Melayu. This book is cheap. You can buy it at the University Malaya Bookstore for a mere RM35. It is published by MBRAS (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society). Its patron member is Tun Hanif (ex-IGP).

Please speak with Datuk Prof Zuraina Majid, who excavated "Perak Man". She will tell you that Perak Man is a descendant of the Australo-Melanesian stock. African National Museum of the Phillipines will verify that they came from Taiwan . And National University of Indonesia will confirm that they came from the Phillipines.

Nik Aziz (PAS leader from Kelantan) will tell you that his grandfather came from Champa. To all Kelantanese, please explain the newly changed name of a Kampong near Bachok (close to the Pengkalan Chepa airport) to "Kampung Champa" to our friends here.

Please also visit Museum Negara to see the exhibits on the "Dong Song" brass drums and Gua Cha in Kelantan near Gua Musang to see the Hoabinhian Caves . Dong Song and Hoabinh are in Indochina . And therefore, the locals are descendants from that region. The entire Northern States also have their roots from the Pattani Kingdom ; which today we call Thailand . In fact, please visit the Kelantan WWII museum to see the article on how Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu was part of Thailand from 1943-1945. Then walk over to the Kelantan State Museum to see the exhibit on Gua Cha to read their explanations of the Hoabinhian Cultures of Early Kelantan settlers.

Malaysian Archaeologists call the early settlers Proto Malay. And the current settlers Deutero Malay. The scientific term is actually, Australo Melanesian (African) and Austranesian (Chinese, or Mongoloid). This is a DNA and bone structure classification. Even the term Negrito transalates from Spanish to mean "mini Negro".

I hope that I've made myself comprehensible enough. Feel free to ask any further questions to help clear the air. The "Malays" are NOT a race. I'm so sorry that you are only hearing this now. The rest of the Academic World has known it for years.

By: Michael Chick on May 30th, 2007 At 2:44 am
To address Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Li Poh. They were all related by the family name of "Hang".

Please visit their graves in Malacca. Their graves are clear-cut Hindu. This was during the "Great Malacca Empire" when Parameswara was supposed to have converted to Islam. Why are the graves of the "Legendary Defenders of the States" Hindu? They do not have the spiral headstones or the Batu Acheh type headstones - instead, they are solid concrete blocks with triangular holes for incense and oil-lamp burning.

Hang Tuah's grave (Kampong Keling) is another "conspiracy". Please read the inscriptions on the side: "they found a large stone marking a grave, and therefore it must be Hang Tuah...". This grave was merely designed to be a tourist destination. Note that there are no names engraved anywhere. Just a big non-descript stone marking that a human body lies underneath it. Lastly, why is a Muslim buried in Kampong Keling - 'Keling' meaning Indian?

The subsequent question is why is Hang Tuah removed from current school history textbooks?

One of two suggestions comes to mind. He was pure fiction (please read Hikayat Hang Tuah before flaming me again), or as the Bugis Museum Curator in Johor will insist, that Hang Tuah was Chinese. So were the rest of his "blood brothers". They were all Chinese; and related to Hang Li Poh.

Let me pose a simple question to you: Why is it, that when you visit Malacca to see the great historical Malaysian City/State, you see the Portugese "A Famosa" gateway, or the Red Dutch buildings like Christchurch , or even St. Paul 's Church on St. Paul 's Hill? Where is the evidence of "The Great Malaccan Empire"?

Let me help you with that answer. Published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in a publication called "Melayu Journal" in 2005 - "...we had to look for an icon by which the Malays would be proud of..." Since Majapahit, Acheh, Lembah Bujang (Langkasuka) were either Hindu, on Indonesian soil, or both, Malacca was the only location left. The great Parameswara is, by the way buried on Fort Canning Hill downtown Singapore , for those of you who want to visit it. They call it the "Keramat" and it's immediately behind the National Musuem of Singapore.

Please enlighten me by showing me ONE single piece of evidence of "The Great Malaccan Empire". Even Dewan Bahasa couldn't. Perhaps any one of you could. Evidence, and not mere gut-feeling please.

Also, please consult Prof Khoo Khay Khim before flaming me again; Thank you.

Maxyn Forest

Anonymous said...

I agree with you in full sentiment. As global economy doing bad this time, it is truly unwise to disintegrate our country and our people. Let's not shift our focus from the building of a stronger nation to this freaking issue. There are more important issues awaiting our dear politicians to solve and answer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Syed Imran,
I hope it is alright that i picked this blog entry and posted it in my facebook page under notes.
I would like to spread the news and for more people to be aware of it.
SL wong

BMahendran said...

nice. posting saudara sgt tepat. we must treasure the current relationship among the various ethnicity , while remembering our history too ;)


Anonymous said...

Hello kawan-kawan:

Janganlah citer pasal kontrak sosial!

Kontrak sosial tu dilakukan oleh orang zaman dulu!

Sekarang, aku walaupun orang Cina tapi aku lahir sini, aku orang Malaysia, warganegara Malaysia. Kontrak sosial tu takde kena-mengena dengan aku kerana aku bukan pendatang.

Yang aku kenali sebagai tanahair hanya satu negara iaitu Malaysia. Tanah ini lah yang saya sayangi.

Rakyat Malaysia yang pelbagai kaum dan agama dan budaya saya sayangi juga.

Pasal hak istimewa dan sebagainya, aku tak tahu.

Aku cuma hormat dan melayan semua rakyat Malaysia dengan adil dan saksama seperti kehendak Tuhan. Tuhan tak menjadikan sesiapa lebih "istimewa" dari orang lain.

Kita semua sama. Mari berganding bahu majukan negara sama-sama.

Anonymous said...


Heard that a NST senior editor is in deep-shit for issuing a circular discouraging NST reporters nationwide from providing news coverage for Buka Puasa.
The editor also allegedly ordered the NST state offices against wasting-time at Quran recital ceremonies or functions attended by the respective Sultans and the Agong.
A not-so-little bird said, the editor hinted such ‘empty’ was not news worthy, thus only fit for BERNAMA.
The Riong-bird said the matter was brought to light by a Malay state correspondent who was offended by such statements against Islam.
They say e-mails over the matter have been circulating in NSTP group and many esp those in Berita Harian are equally offended by the editor’s actions.
They also say that there seems to be a pattern of similar instructions in the organization, particularly in the NST which overly promotes liberal views while sacrificing the customs and traditions.

Wah… they could even IGNORE the Agong and the Malay Rulers ? Must be some super mAhCai.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this insightful piece. During these times of controversial and deceptive politics, and despite the sickening, recurring and shameful re-play of the race card that keeps the people of Malaysia feeling fearful and untrusting of their fellow Malaysians, some of our less respected politicians insist on continuing to use this card.

Perhaps for some reasons, the race card has always been successful at tearing the people apart. This is not a problem unique to Malaysia, but most every other multi-national country in the world.

While many of the more developed countries have given priority to their own people, regardless of race, we continue to show a serious lack.

As a fourth generation Malaysian, my family has been in this country since the 1800s. As straits Chinese, we are also known as Baba Nyonyas. I am as proud to be as Malaysian as any Malay, or any other Malaysian, can claim.

In any other case, it is only fair and reasonable that my claim, along with each one of my fellow Malaysians' claim, regardless of race and religion, be accepted and embraced as part of our unique, multi-cultural make-up (the way we blend Malay with Hokkien and Cantonese and Tamil and Hindi: languages, food, dress... you get the idea).

Except, these are those who insist on showing off how stupid they can make the rest of us feel, for the very power that we have accorded them. As proven time and again, their sense of lack, selfishness and greed, knows no bounds.

Their excuse: we need to protect our own interests. The problem: "their" interests and the nation's interests are NOT the same.

In this day, after 51 years of independence, while there are many who continue to be deceived for all the conditioning they have been fed, we can take heart that there are also a growing number of us who realise that enough is enough.

We no longer want to be manipulated and deceived to meet the interests of ruthless, corrupted, manipulative criminals dressed in impressive political titles.

We cannot continue to tolerate the segregation of our collective contribution to the nation, as a national, and for the future of our nation, based on unfair, unfounded and unwarranted threats to our own interests, just to help them meet theirs.

It has become so common that it is almost expected: whenever a crisis arise, politicians being threatened will use the race card to turn the public's interest away from more pressing demands: making a mockery of democracy and unity and the need for progress just to serve their own selfish interests.

Having been born and bred in the country for generations, how would you react if you were told, despite your upbringing, patriotic pride and contributions, that you are simply not as deserving as the next Malaysian, simply because you are not politically labelled as 'bumiputra'.

For too long, this issue has separated us: keeping us chained to unseen 'threats'... May 13; the ridiculously unfounded fear of losing out on bumiputra privileges for the Malays (thanks to the greed and manipulation and arrogance of our politicians, the NEP failed to benefit those who they are meant to help most: our grassroots);

the unwarranted fear of facing ever more serious and unjustified discrimination in our own country, and even being attacked by 'mat rempits' for the Chinese, Indian, Portugese and other Malaysians (thanks to the gluttony of our politicians (whatever their race), instead of learning to embrace and appreciate other cultures, many become too pre-occupied with protecting their own interests... from whatever unseen, no-name, and non-existant 'outsiders'.

In order to stop ourselves and our future as a nation, from further damages, we truly need to stop being coerced to believe that our different racial interests are being threatened. They are not.

In fact, the only ones throwing out these ungrounded and unfair threats, and propagating dis-unity instead of peace and harmony in this country, are those immature, selfish politicians.

For Malays, please consider:
Fear of losing political power to the Chinese v.s.
to people who are truly sincere about delivering progress to the majority. -Can you see? Race is not the issue, but a wild card to win undeserved votes.

For Chinese and Malaysians at large:
Fear of losing financial aptitude to unworthy Bumiputra vs to those who are qualified and credible. -Again, can you see? Race is not the issue, but a wild card to win undeserved votes.

If I happen to offend anyone with this piece, please accept my apology. The intention was, and will always be, to humbly share a personal opinion.

Anonymous said...

"My connotation is that the Chinese and Indians here must accept that the majority of them were brought here by the British during the colonial era. Period! It is written in history."

The above opinion is just another example of the level of ignorance that 'most' Malays (though I am certain that many wiser, more knowledgeable and intellectual malays, and half-malays will DISagree with him) have been conditioned to thoroughly believe.

First, using Australia as an analogy is useless- as useless as referring to just about any migrant race in any major country in world, then making the mistake of generalising an obviously personal or guessed opinion (where is the evidence, ^genius^? - Give us an example of an authorised survey performed to gauge the sentiments of Aussies and their fellow 'migrant' citizens- go on, I dare you! )

Next, it was never an argument that the Chinese and Indians are not accepting the fact that the British invited many Chinese and Indians to Malaya. Obviously, wanfaris thinks that just because he thinks so, so do the rest of the world- quick, go get an education before you start making much more of a fool of yourself, and your race.

In fact, I believe, if you ask any Malaysian Chinese or Indian (or any Malaysian of other races) if there were many Chinese and Indians in Malaya during our Colonial days, then anyone (doesn't even have to be Chinese or Indian) will tell you straight: have you never studied history? Of course there were...

If you're lucky, they'll even help enlighten your lack of knowledge by informing you that many Chinese
also came with Princess Hang Li Po, 2nd wife of Sultan Mansur Shah, Melaka in the mid 1400s;
many more came as traders, entrepreneurs and even troop warriors.

If you still don't get it, wanfaris wankadir: rest assured, the more mentally matured amongst us feel only pity for you. Now, if you please, stop putting words into other people's mouths; stop generalising your personal opinions to that of not only other people's race, but also your own... and not in the least, keep your utterly ridiculous "connotation" to yourself... saves others a lot of embarrassment - for you.

Anonymous said...

Mad tu aku tgk macam mamak pudukang ja.. Memang lar style mamak cakap macam tu. Pum pang pum pang... Isi apa pun tak dak.
Ish... Tak mau lar aku mad mamak pudukang tu jadi jurucakap orang melayu..

Anak Kedah

Ted Torrence said...

Looks like you could the next victim.

You may want to consider joining the “Please ISA Me” wave (psygame playing lah) so that they will think twice before handcuffing you.

Please ISA Me

I am begging you to ISA me

Anonymous said...

Apa akan terjadi jika negara ini diserang oleh negara luar? Adakah orang cina akan lari ke China? atau orang india akan belayar pulang ke India? dan masyarakat melayu akan berenang balik ke Indonesia atau ketempat kelahiran datuk nenek mereka? Jawapannya TIDAK!! Kita semua akan mempertahankan negara ini sehingga titisan darah yang terakhir..kerana disinilah tempat kita dilahirkan dan sudah semestinya kita harus mempertahankan kedaulatan negara ini BERSAMA-SAMA..

Anonymous said...

Hi all.. To all of you out there. When I first read on the papers about this Ahmad's comments I really do not feel a thing. I wasn't even mildly annoyed. To me it is just one of those petty bickerings between some polititians. The way the media potray the issue make it seem like Chinese are so sensitive over this. The Chinese polititan reacted like he is over sensitive....thus it sort of gives the common Malay the wrong impression? But I am a Chinese and I do not feel a thing about Ahmad's comments!. I know that my malay friends would never insult me like that. I have never personally been insulted by a Malay because of my race. I think this is all bickerings between polititans who only do what they do to try to provoke commoners against each other. What do you think? I'm a bit tired of all those polititians fighting each other... We pay tax money for them to develop the country, not to spend time on petty fights

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Khir Toyo - both his parents are from Indonesia. And still can become MB. Talking so much now...He is the shit stirrer. Sour grapes - hope his political career is cremated soon.

Anonymous said...

Wanfaris, you are a damn racist. Yes, my grandparents were brought in from India. BUT my parents were born here and so was I and my children. And I am a Malaysian paying much more taxes than you. I wsn't brought in here by the British, Wanfaris, I was born here. So I don't want to be deprived of any of my rights neithey do I want my chidren and grandchildren to be discriminated against because they are not Malays. I am sure I speak for all non-Malays here.

In Australia, my nephews get equal treatment, in fact get better tretment in terms of scholarships, promotions which are based on performance and nOT race or religion. PERIOD

Boiler ebook said...


Saya kagum dgn penghuraian Tuan Syed bahawa tanah malaysia bukan tanah melayu (bila disebut "tanah melayu" mestilah milik melayu kan?), dan saya juga kagum dgn analisis Tuan Syed tentang latarbelakang ahli2 politikus UMNO, ketika UMNO diserang bertubi2. Saya ingin meminta Tuan Syed membuat analisis juga tentang latarbelakang raja2 kerana sekarang istilah yang diguna pakai ialah raja2 "melayu". Mungkin pandangan populis Tuan Syed telah mengembirakan kaum2 lain tentang peluang menjadi PM, mungkin ada juga peluang menjadi raja,bukan?

Sutera Timur said...

Tuan Syed dan Pembaca sekalian ,

Janganlah dipermudah KONSEP ATAU istilah BUMIPUTRA dinegara Tanah Melayu ini atau sekarg dikenali sbg Malaysia.Mungkin selagi org Melayu yg memerintah kesan ini tidak kelihatan ,Tetapi ingat apa dah jadi dgn Singapura setelah kuasa melayu dah hilang....sedar dan bangkitlah jangan tidur dan merasa terlalu selesa supaya org melayu sedar keadaan ini ...lihat saja PALESTIN seolah-olah tidak ada negara apabila mereka tiada kuasa wlp ditanah airnya sendiri..janganlah setelah semuanya terlepas baru anda semua ingin kenangkan lagu WARISAN KITA ketika itu..masih relevankah lagi....oleh itu penyatuan melayu sangat penting pada kita semua....kerana kalau nasi dah jadi bubur AIR MATA DARAH pun dah tak berguna lagi......fikirfikirlah sendiri...Wassallam.....

Anonymous said...

You definitely have forgotten your barring. History is history but the essence which made history must be not be forgotten. True the whole chunk of Australia belonged to the Aborigines’ and those Caucasians (Convicts)with their earlier settlement are now known as Australian.
Now tell me who developed the country, was it the Aborigines’, Vietnamese or any other nationalities. The country was brought to development by this Caucasians. Obviously many Vietnamese and other nationalities have migrated there during the later part after development and also became Australians and may be true they may not be accepted fully as Australian. However the truth is they do enjoy equally rights as any other Australian Citizen and there is no discrimination in regard to Education, Business Opportunity, Welfare and Etc; worse still there is no quota system.
So what is history in Malaysia. This country belong to the Orang Asli and as what is been mention by Syed Imran the we Malays, Chinese and Indians all are pendatang but only differentiated by time factor.
Off course it's written in history that the Chinese and Indians were brought here by the British during the colonial era, but for what purpose? It should not be easily forgotten they were the initial backbone for the development of the economics of Malaysia as Rubber and Tin was the main export and revenue earner for this country and nothing else was significant. Infect the Malays infrastructure was developed by Chinese and Indians.
It should be very much appreciate that at least Australia considers the Vietnamese and other nationalities who have migrated there as Australian citizen without any discrimination enjoying with equal rights where else the Chinese and Indians are considered as Pendatang. Where is the actual history and where is the essence of early history which now is erased from the modern history textbook of schools.


Anonymous said...

Topik ini memang hangat dengan adanya pelbagai pendapat dan kefahaman dari ramai pihak. Ada pihak yang sangat bersetuju dan adanya pihak yang kurang bersetuju. Ada juga pihak yang meragui kenyataan-kenyataan blog asal. Apa yang boleh kita belajar daripada pemerhatian ini? Saya berpendapat bahawa sesiapapun yang bersetuju ke tidak bersetuju perlu membuat kajian sendiri atas kenyataan-kenyataan yang diutarakan. Tidak ada gunanya sesetengah pihak membuat kenyataan-kenyataan secara emosi. Kenyataan perlu adanya fakta dan bukan saja cakap kosong. Keraguan tentang fakta-fakta perlu dijelaskan dengan kajian sendiri. Apa faedah adanya persoalan tanpa jawapan?

Harap kita dapat menangani isu-isu sensitif dan hangat kebelakangan ini dengan pandangan yang terbuka dan melihat isu dari pelbagai sudut dan pendirian. Apabila meluaskan isi hati kita, kita juga perlu menjaga isi hati orang lain. Penting sekali, kita perlu bertanggungjawab terhadap kenyataan-kenyataan kita sebab dalam dunia informasi, setiap informasi baru adalah pendatang. Informasi yang tepat dan berguna akan mencucur akar dan membuah informasi baru yang lebih berfaedah. Informasi kosong hanya akan menumpang sementara dalam hati orang ramai.

Saya rasa kita perlu faham bahawa tahap kemajuan sesebuah negara tidak ditentukan oleh siapa pendatang dan siapa penumpang. Kemajuan negara dan faedah kepada semua rakyat ditentukan oleh pencapaian rakyat sendiri. Kita perlu menanam pokok untuk menikmati buahnya tidak kira pendatang ke, penumpang ataupun mahluk asing. Buah yang didapati perlu dikecapi semua rakyat terutamanya sebilangan yang kurang kemampuan, tua dan cacat yang pasti adanya di semua negara di seluruh dunia.

Harap semua rakyat menjaga kesopanan dan kesusilaan apabila membuat kenyataan. Harap negara akan maju dengan adanya pemimpin yang berkemampuan dan berkebolehan dalam prinsip-prinsip ekonomi yang dapat memajukan negara dan bangsa. Harap lebih ramai rakyat muda dapat mengejar tahap pelajaran yang tinggi dan pemikiran yang lebih matang untuk memajukan negara kita. Masa depan rakyat akan lebih cerah kerana adanya faktor-faktor ini dan bukan kerana adanya orang-orang yang berpemikiran sepit dang cetek.

Keranamu, rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa, lebih ramai rakyat menikmati tahap kehidupan yang lebih baik daripada 50 tahun dahulu. Janganlah kita berpatah balik kerana kata-kata yang tidak berfaedah kepada pembangunan negara. Janganlah kita menyalahkan orang lain kerana kita sendiri tidak mampu. Kemampuan kita adanya dalam imaginasi kita sendiri.

Inspirasi boleh diperoleh daripada persaing-persaing pertandingan paralympic yang diadakan di Beijing sekarang.

Anonymous said...

Saya ucapkan syabas kepada pandangan Tuan Syed.

Yang asyik berkata Malaysia ini tanah Melayu dan hak Melayu tu, tunjukkanlah apa yang anda telah beri kepada negara ini!!

Apa yang diberi? Tidak ada apa-apa pun. Yang anda semua yang asyik cakap tanah Melayu, hak Melayu, cuma la parasit yang hidup di atas bantuan Kerajaan. Apalah kamu jika diletakkan di mata dunia??? Langsung todak dapat bersaing. Adakah anda membayai cukai pendapatan?? Tidak. Cuma tahu menerima bantuan tetapi tidak tahu berusaha. Kalau keadaan ini berterusan, janganlah salahkan sesiapa. Lihatlah kaum Cina dan Kaum India serta kaum lain generasi muda, semua handal, masuk Harvard, masuk Oxford, Cambridge atas sokongan dan duit daripada ibubapa mereka. jadi tidak salah jika akhirnya cuma tinggal parasit Melayu di negara ini yang akan meruntuhkan ekonomi sini. Biarlah semua Cina, India balik dan bantu negara China dan India menjadi kuasa dunia. Jika itu yang dihendaki anda semua yang asyik mempertarungkan hak Melayu, milik Melayu.

Tidakkah anda pernah fikir tentang fikiran orang lain, bangsa Melayu yang cuma pentingkan diri sendiri, di manakah kamu berada hari ini, jika tiada bantuan daripada orang Cina dari segi kewangan awal kemerdekaan?? Jika tiada bantuan Orang India di bahagian pentadbiran, dimanakah kamu sekarang??

Mungkin lebih merosot daripada negara-negara dunia ketiga yang ada sekarang dan mungkin sudah lama ketinggalan zaman.

Adakah kita, Malaysia dapat menghantar angkasawan ke angkasa??? Tidak, semua ini tidak akan berlaku.

Jadi sedarlah Kamu semua. Malaysia KEPUNYAAN semua KAUM. Jadi sama-sama kita majukannya. Jangan pada satu hari apa yang disebut saya sebelum ini terjadi. Nanti yang rugi pada akhirnya, kamulah bangsa Melayu yang sampai hari ini masih dibantu kerajaan.

Nyonya Cina Melaka yang erti berbahasa Melayu.

anakperlis said...

Kalaulah seluruh rakyat Malaysia berfikir dan faham realiti kita sebagai penduduk negara ini seperti Tuan Syed, dah lama kita maju dan makmur. Ini zaman dunia tanpa sempadan, kita rakyat Malaysia bukan bersaing sesama diri, tapi kita bersaing dengan dunia luar untuk nak cari makan. Populasi kita hanya 26juta ++, tapi populasi dunia ni xxxxxxxxxxxxx (besar angka ni).Fikirlah macam mana kita nak bersaing kat luar, jangan kita berlawan kat dalam, buang masa saja.....

Anonymous said...

"What a do about nothing." The earth is thousands of years old at least. Who knows who migrated from where to where during those thousands of years? Why must race be an issue to politicise or divide? It should be enriching to have such diversity in this country. Protect your cultural practices but do not use it to deprive others just because you are scared of losing your birthright. I hope all people commenting here are educated enough to know how to continue practicing your traditions with the younger generation. Somebody in this comment page said that Tanah Melayu also consists of Sabah, Sarawak, Singapura....and probably Sumatera, Sulawesi etc...just to defend their right as Melayu. Has anyone asked the Iban in Sarawak whether he thinks of himself as Melayu? In China, every citizen is called Chinese, but historically, they consist of countless ethnic groups with different traditions, costumes, languages, religions. Being Chinese is a political status for many of them. Being an American is a political status. Other than the native American Indian, other Americans claim to be Italian, Chinese, Irish, Mexican, French, Dutch etc etc. Pak Lah has Chinese blood. Endon has Japanese blood. It's very interesting, so why deny our heritage or belittle our ancestors? People migrate for survival, and let's face it, in Malaysia, we need each other to survive, otherwise, there would be no Malaysia. Probably may still be a jungle with some kancil running around. To some people like Ahmad Ismail, the real university professor historian has not spoken, so why you want to be smart aleck and think you know more.....

subrayoga said...

Dear Mr. Syed Imran,

Just wanted to relate an incident.

My friends received membership forms to join a political party (multi racial party). There is a column asking what is your "keturunan". A question which was thought necessary all the time. But today, do we still need this?

My friends filled that column as "MALAYSIAN".

The official that received the application forms smiled and said that these forms will be reviewed with full attention.

Hope such a thing can be practical.


001 said...

Anda merupakan seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai prinsip, moral & etika. Semoga segala usaha anda sentiasa diberkati Tuhan !

Semenjak kecil, saya telah dibesarkan di perkampungan Melayu. China, Melayu, India tinggal dengan damai sekali.

Keadaan telah berubah, atas sebab ketamakan sesetengah pemimpin, mereka sanggup memperlagakan rakyat yang tidak bersalah.

Kini semua orang tinggal dalam keadaan yang penuh kerisauan.

Apakah dosa yang orang membawa kepada perubahan yang negatif ini ?

Semoga Tuhan terus melindungi pemimpin yang baik seperti Tuan Syed ini !

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Very happy to read this article, at least I know there are still having a education Malay with high IQ and EQ there to give a good point of view.

We are all Malaysian and remember, Unite as Malaysia make us strong!

Anonymous said...

Syed Imran. A gem in the haysack. Truly a MALAYSIAN patriot. May Allah bless you always. Amin.

Anonymous said...

I am born as Malaysian (STATED in IC), and I will die as a Malaysian, suppose so. If you think this land belongs to you, and deserve a speciality, GOD bless YOUR spirit to stay on this land FOREVER. :)

indy said...

Dr M takes cheap pot shots to stir racial unrest in Singapore again
Posted on September 15, 2008 by wayangparty
By Mohammad Fairuz

There he goes again. Unable to win support from even his own UMNO members, many of whom view him as a pariah to be banished forever from the shores of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has set his sights across the causeway at his “unfortunate” brethen in Singapore.

In an article entitled “Malay unity and Malaysian unity” (point 21) published on his blog, chedet, Dr Mahathir took a snipe at the “plight” of Singapore Malays:

“The Malays have seen what has happened to the Malays of Singapore and they have no desire to be like Singapore Malays.”

It is most unbecoming for a foreign statesman to keep interfering in our domestic affairs. Dr Mahathir’s insinuations that the Malays in Singapore are second class citizens as compared to the state of the Chinese in Malaysia are totally unfounded, baseless and malicious.

Had a Singaporean make the following remarks on a blog or forum, he will be charged under the Sedition Act or arrested under the ISA immediately.

We have no New Economic Policy in Singapore to give discriminatory preferences for any particular race, yet the malay community in Singapore had made tremendous progress over the last 20 years as shown by this report on Mendaki.

The percentage of a Malay P1 Cohort entering Tertiary Institutions (polytechnic and university) has more than doubled from 13 % in 1990 to 28% in 1999. The proportion admitted to university has increased by almost 1.5 times from 2.9% in 1990 to 4.2% in 1999.

The proportion of Malays holding higher level and skilled jobs has increased over the years. In 1990only 12% of Malays were holding administrative and managerial, professional and technical and related jobs. This had increased to 23% by 2000.

The median monthly income of resident Malay workers rose from $954 in 1990 to $1790 in 2000. This represents an annual growth of 6.5% in nominal terms or 4.7% in real terms. The highest income levels were among younger Malays. The median resident Malay household income has also risen from $1880 to $2880.

Though I do not have exact figures to show, I believe that young Singapore Malays have the highest median income compared to their counterparts in Malaysia and Indonesia.

I wonder what motives Dr Mahathir had in making such disparaging remarks about a neighboring country. Perhaps he should put his own house in order first before meddling in the affairs of his neighbors.

It is a real shame that after 22 years under his rule, racial harmony in Malaysia has deteriorated to such a deplorable state that even a second-tier UMNO leader can make inflammatory speeches publicly to incite racial tension with impunity and let off with just a slap on the wrist.

In Singapore, such fiascos are almost unheard of because our policies are based solely on meritocracy and not the color of the skin. All races are treated equally in terms of educational and career opportunity.

The speaker of our House is a Malay, Mr Yaacob Ibrahim. One of our two DPMs is an Indian, Mr Jayakumar and our Finance Minister is a Christian of Sri Lankan descent, Mr Tharman. There was not a time when we need Chinese leaders to speak out for the Chinese, Malay leaders to harp on Malay rights or Indian leaders to take to the streets to protest against discrimination by the government.

Dr Mahathir should visit Singapore one day to see how the Malay community here has prospered in spite of the lack of any affirmative policies formulated specially for them. He can also visit all the three universities in Singapore and offer them a scholarship to Universti Malaya, Universti Sains Malaysia or Universiti Tecknologi Mara and see if there are any takers.

Least before I forget, Dr Mahathir was not even a pure Malay to begin with. What gives him the right to speak up for the Malays in Singapore? Thanks, Dr M, but no thanks, please reserve your racial rhetoric to your fellow UMNOputras only for even the young Malays in Malaysia are finding your “ketuanan melayu” concept increasingly outdated, irrelevant and unpalatable.


Anonymous said...

Tuan Syed, versi Bahas Inggeris telah diterjemah di sini.

Anonymous said...

Poster motivasi Ahmad Ismail - Pendatang ada di sini:

Sila menggunakan sesuka hati.

Anonymous said...

Please kindly stop using RACIAL arguments to counter a RACIST!
Leave Ahmad Ismail be the last RACIST in Malaysia!

Please read a message from RPK to the rakyat (Malaysians).

Terima kasih.

Richiee said...

Tuan syed, your article is a breathe of fresh air to all Malaysians. I totally agree with your analysis, save and except for the orang asli, we are all "pendatang" to Malaysia. I cannot agree with you more that we are only mere stewards of this nation and God almighty has entrusted us to care and nurture this property for Him!

It is people like you that give us all hope that Malaysian will prevail in this country.

Agagooga said...

Thanks to whoever translated the letter into English

Anonymous said...

Dol the Mole said...

I cannot prophesied the future but my bloodline is malay (for now}. What if my son marry a chinese girl and his son also marry a non-malay. So what is in store in the future for my great grandchildren. Will they be discriminated in school? So go to hell with those fascist politicians. We should aim for equal education opportunity for all. If you want to hang yourself with racial politics, go live in Israel and suffer the fate of the goyim. You will know what it is like to be a second class citizen.

excerpt from

Anonymous said...

Alangkah baiknya sekiranya kita semua memperbaiki serta memantapkan hubungan silaturahhim sesama kita. Tiada untung apa pun kita mengungkit siapa dari mana serta siapa pendatang atau tidak, sedangkan kita semua adalah penumpang sementara di bumi Allah ini. Maka tiada lain yang lebih untung dari manjaga agama serta menjaga silaturahhim sesama kita. Marilah berusaha kearah menjadi khalifah yang adil di bumi Allah ini. Insya allah.

Anak Melayu said...

Apa itu Ahmad Ismail? Seorang Ahli politik yang kecewa dan mengamuk kerana hilang sokongan dan kepercayaan daripada majikan, hilang project-project meganya, hilang kontrak-kontrak jutaannya, hilang masa depan, hilang... Tak usahlah kita turut mengamuk bersama-samanya.

Anonymous said...

1. Tentang keadilan sesama manusia - ikut Islam - adil dan saksama

2. Tentang sejarah kenapa nak nafikan? Ini bererti pembohongan!!

3. Lihatlah sejak dulu hingga kini; di negara mana pun ada sejarah tanah airnya. Kenapa nak nafikan pulak.


Anonymous said...

Jikalau adil atau keadilan wujud sama sama rata di kalangan kaum tak kira A, B ataupun C. Maka tiada sesiapa pun akan menumpu perhatian mereka kepada" Who am I and Where am I came from? " Saya percaya jikalau pihak yang berkuasa dapat mencapai keadilan ini di semua kalangan kaum, maka siapa A , B ataupun C dah jadi not important at all. Sila beri comment jikalau ada.

Anonymous said...

Hi a.z.,

Yes, there is...please refer to National Geographic Magazine March 2006.

It tells us about DNA and where we originate from.

Anonymous said...

Kalau nak bangkitkan asal memang semua manusia di atas muka bumi ini penumpang. Nabi Adam pun penumpang.

Tapi biarlah jadi penumpang yang mengenang budi. Setiap bangsa di bumi ini mempunyai tanah airnya sendiri kecuali beberapa bangsa. Negara ini berbangsakan Melayu.

Ahmad Ismail pun saya yakin dia akui dia juga penumpang. Tapi penumpang yang berbudi yang bertindak 'di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung'.

Tetapi bagi sesetengah pendatang, tidak sedmikian. Mereka begitu biadap dan bertindak seperti tidak berpijak di bumi nyata.

Pendatang dalam konteks negara bangsa harus diakui, manakala status pendatang harus juga kita kenali dan akui. Manakala sejarah pula jangan sesekali kita ingkari.

Agathis said...

This so called "Pendatang" are the one who contribute the most taxes in Malaysia land and we enjoying the benefit as Bumiputra. If they "Pendatang" leave the country, I wonder how much tax we can contribute to our government? Kalau kamu tak percaya, tanyalah siapa2 saudara kamu yg berkerja di LHDN dan lihatlah jumlah $$ dan senarai nama2 individu yg membayar cukai.

Walau apa terjadi pun, kita seharusnya merhormati antara satu sama lain. Memang jelas kaum Cina dan India adalah sahabat kita. Akan tetapi, saya agak binggung kenapa ada orang UMNO tetap mahu mengasingkan kita dari berkawan dng mereka?

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% that we are all immigrants on this earth. Let us look forward & work together. The problem arises from politicians who make up all the problems in this nation. Politicians who are full of Pride & Greed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Syed Imran.
I 100% agree as what you had mention.

I really don't understand what is Ahmad bin Ismail is thinking at all.. I really feel shame for him to say that word..

I believe that they will have more issue will coming in about "Antara pendatang dan penumpang". Specially from Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang UMNO Division and supporter of Ahmad bin Ismail.

He should not be involve in UMNO anymore cause he is make UMNO become worst in future if he still say he did not make any wrong.

Children also know how to say "I AM SORRY" when they make mistake. Is that hard to say that? What a shame for him.

nginfo said...

The freedom of expressing oneself that at the same time he must not neglects himself very badly,and lead to no good and cannot really serve other;he is no real helper of society. "Even if the body is sick,let not the mind be sick!"the depths of one sick mind,is the source of all problems.

Anonymous said...

abis tu knape kt sgpore org cino je yg kontrol xbg can pun kt mlayu n india? xde kbebasan media pn? ape mlayu n india bkn staraf dgn cino ke kt sgpore? klu org cino yg kuasai ekonomi dh mngambil alih pmerintahan kt malesya ni apakah jminan pmerintahan malesya xkn jadi mcm sgpore? apakah parti rkyat nk mgekalkan mgambil org mlayu je sbg pgantinya mcm umno bwt? mmgla rmai org tau umno main taik

Anonymous said...


In the case of Ahmad Ismail, I do believe he mentioned this very sensitive topic at a very wrong time. I see that the individuals that commented on this article agree on Ahmad Ismail's appalling behaviour.

Regardless, I have to point out that your statement, Syed Imran, is incorrect in historical context. I recall the matter was brought forward in a forum where the panelist was Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim and he explained in a historical and legal context, the people who established government on the land would be owners of the land. If not, due to human migratory patterns, no one would own any land. Forms of government existed from the time of Malacca Sultanate, which was made by Malays thus anyone else would be considered a 'pendatang'.

As for issues of Pak Lah's or Tun M's mothers or grandmothers being of foreign origin, they ultimately married into a Malay family whose children then become Malay, though mixed in ethnicity, full in context of constitution.

Regardless, I understand that this is an extremely sensitive issue in which the truth may be poignant to some to accept. I merely wish to forward the points presented by Prof Khoo Kaay Kim.

It is very heartwarming to see such positive attitudes given by readers, it gives hope to what Malaysia can achieve in the future :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting write-up. But my ancestors, the Cholas set up an outpost here in Kedah long before there were any other immigrants.
Even before the Cholas, there were other Indian colonies in Lembah Bujang. These were Indians who found a shrub in Kedah whose flower was used to dye cloth which was exported back to India. This was around 80 to 150 B.C.

Malaysia (Kedah) was an exporter long before people understood what Exporter was all about.

My Grandmother's Grandfather was invited by the Sultan of Perak to start a hospital in Kuala Kangsar to look after the people. My Grandmother was born here, as was my father and myself.

Khir Toyo was born here, but his father wasnt.

Syed Albar was born here, but his father was born in Indonesia.

I m referred to as Pendatang, whilst the above 2 gentlemen are called BumiPutra. Interesting.

Keling Zaman Chola

Anonymous said...

I read in another blog that the word 'Melayu' actually means 'Pelarian' or Refugees from among the neighbouring countries. So only the orang aski are the real indigenous people. Others are 'Pelarian', 'Pendatang' and 'Pendatang haram'.

Anonymous said...

I salute the author for his courage and sense of rigteousness in speaking out so frnkly about a most important but "sesnsitve topic" (at least by the BN government's definition).

Just because a particular race came and settled in Malaysia earlier than other races and hence should enjoy special previledges and can treat other races as second class citizens is sheer lunacy in these day and age. To institutionalize such previledges tentamounts to institutionalized racism and that puts human progress back to the stone age, at least to the Nazi and apartheid times. This kind of practice demeans a race by admitting that it can't accept basic equality, fairness and univeral human rights and is unable to compete on an equal footing with other races within Malaysia, let along the rest of the world.

Fortunately, an increasing number of Malays are beginning to realize the difference between right and wrong and that this kind of practices are not in the best interest of their race or the nation.

Through discussion like this, Malaysians can begin to desensitize the race issue and to encourage positive dialog amongst themselves so as to make progress.

yahabibui said...

Haha kalau begitu kita orang Melayu boleh pergi saudi arabia jadi orang ARab lah.

Orang Melayu adalah mereka yang mengaku mereka orang Melayu dan menerima Sultan MElayu sebagai penaung.

Siapa dulu tak menajdi kisah. Yang penting siapa yang berkuasa hari ini seperti di US.

Orang Eropah bunuh REd India genocide tapi mereka mengaku mereka tuan tanah... faham..?

arab said...

To anonymous the blog poster already said he is an arab not a malay...

So he has no right to speak as a malay right?

randomtraveler said...

Indian homeland in a nation called India while Chinese have a homeland called China. Those country are their ancestor land.

This all about money and power and domination. Of course all minority will wine and complain and try to promote their ethnic agenda while in the same time, the majority will try to preserve their domination.

Consider the white Caucasian misery under African, illegal Mexican, and Jewish minority -- especially the latter. The white have been coop completely. They face minority status in their own dominion because of immigration flood.

America as land of the free and the brave and bunch of migrant, had turn into white man night mare.

i heard to many whine and kicking -- especially whine, to promote their minority ethnic agenda and you fall for it. No country without domination, or you shall perish.

rokok said...

so the fact is orang asli is the true sons of the soil while others are immigrants! thats hitorical and fact!