Monday, October 29, 2007

Government rejects senior prosecutor's application for retirement

Attorney-General's Chambers prosecution head Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden's application to go on optional retirement has been turned down by the government. His services is still needed in the interest of the nation, a source told this blogger.

In September, after more than a month of speculation, at first by bloggers, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail confirmed that Yusof and deputy public prosecutor Salehuddin Saidin had sent in their applications for early retirement late August. Salehuddin's application was approved by the government.

Last month, Gani told the media that he has allowed their applications because "they want to move on to greener pastures" and it is not fair to stop their career
advancement elsewhere.

Gani said there were sufficient experienced staff in his office to fill the vacuum left by the two men.

Yusof, 52, was said to be joining the Securities Commission while Sallehuddin, 44, will go into private practice.

Salehuddin led the prosecution team in the Altantuya Shaaribuu murder trial in the earlier phase of the case. However, Gani replaced him in June by deputy public prosecutor Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah.

Yusof will continue to head the prosecution team. What is AG Gani Patail's next move since he has someone in mind to head the prosecution team.


Anonymous said...

bro syed,
you tanyalah kawan-kawan u di kalangan pegawai2 jabatan peguam negara, apa yang sebenarnya berlaku sehingga seorang yang berjawatan jusa B dan seorang lagi yang bergred L 54 tiba-tiba memohon untuk bersara lebih awal?

Unknown said...


sedikit sebanyak saya tahu puncanya.

Saya nak lihat apa tindakan yang bakal diambil oleh AG berkaitan penolakan pihak atasan ke atas permohonan Datuk Yusof untuk bersara secara pilihan walaupun dipersetujui oleh AG.

Apa percaturannya? Sama-samalah kita saksikan babak seterusnya.

Anonymous said...

walau apa-apa pun kehidupan mesti diteruskan....