Friday, February 10, 2006

Danish firm scores giant deal in Malaysia

In the midst of demonstrations and protests against Denmark in several Muslim countries over the drawings of cartoons of "Prophet Muhammad" by Jyllands-Posten, a newly established Copenhagen based Danish firm, Denmark Solar Industry (DSI), is to build several factories in Kemaman, Malaysia. The factory contract is worth 179 million DKK and will produce solar panels.
DSI is expected to build around 10 factories which will produce almost everything that has to do with solar energy including solar cells and components used in security or street lighting.

Meanwhile, on Friday (Thursday in the US), some 5,000 people held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Danish embassy. The demonstration was spearheaded by the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), the main Muslim opposition party in Malaysia.
PAS president, Hadi Awang submitted a memorandum to Danish ambassador Borge Pedersen demanding that the government of Denmark and the newspapers concerned offer an apology to Muslims.

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